AUD Experience

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  • #2040158

    I, like many others, don’t know what to expect. I’m thinking I got at least 62 of the 72 MC correct, but can’t say if the 2nd testlet was more difficult or easier. The thing that’s concerning me, is I can remember 7 of the 8 Sims, but can’t for the life of me remember the 8th. I’m really hoping I didn’t accidentally skip one, which would seemingly be difficult to do since I usually scan each before moving on. I’m hoping it was a shorter one I just can’t recall. Of the 7 Sims I remember, my confidence was approximately:
    #1 – 25%
    #2 – 50%
    #3 – 80%
    #4 – 80%
    #5 – 60%
    #6 – 70%
    #7 – 100%

    I’m hoping it’ll be enough.

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  • Author
  • #2040161

    Nothing to do at this point, but if you did this well on the MC and sims you provided, it sounds like you probably passed.
    Don't worry about the sim you can't remember- it will alert you if you have an unanswered SIM and make you confirm that you want to submit the testlet anyways. It's very hard to accidentally skip.


    Sheww! I didn't know that. That sure makes me feel better. Thanks Chandler.


    I also ran into issues with remembering SIMs after the exam. Mind went completely blank.
    I use the pencil and paper option, and I would review what I wrote for each SIM right before I left, so I could make quick notes on the SIMs when I got back to the car, just in case I needed a retake.


    That sounds like a pretty good strategy. The sims revealed what I hadn't studied enough. But, I think I was still able to take some general knowledge and apply it to the specific situations of the sims.

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