Hi Cruzer – thanks for the positivity regarding AUD. And congratulations on passing!
I think I passed FAR because I made it my top priority. Everything else in my life played second fiddle to FAR. I used Gleim Premium and worked FAR like it was a job for 3.5 months. I studied on average six hours a day almost everyday. There were a couple of weekends where I only studied a couple of hours. But mostly I would study, study, study, eat, study, study, eat, take a shower, study, stare into space and then study more. I got on Youtube for help with DEPS, DTA/DTL and LIFO with layers. I did practice MCQ's over and over and over and over again. I took my flash cards to bed with me and dreamed of multiple choice questions all night. I even did research on how the brain approaches studying and employed some techniques to trick myself (eg; studying in different rooms, always ending a session with a topic I knew to boost my confidence, walking away from study materials every hour or so to “reset” my brain and yes – reviewing material right before I fell asleep to jump start my subconscious.) Equally important as the work was staying positive. And trust me, that was not always easy to do.
All of the above was probably overkill, but I think it was the best approach considering it's been so long since I've been in school and that I had no practical experience with many of the topics like inventory, DEPS, deferred taxes or OCI. (Most of my work has been in the NFP sector.)
My advice for FAR is to make it your priority. Do as many MCQ's as you can. And always study cumulatively – meaning if you're on study unit 8, throw in random MCQ's from prior study units. Since SIMs are a challenge for most of us, I also recommend doing as many practice SIMS as you can. Build it into your plan that you do a practice SIM every other day or so. Also, if possible give yourself more than the standard 1:45 to complete them all on test day. Sometimes the first three testlets won't allow for that, but if you can swing it, do so. Flash cards can be really helpful. I suggest using them for all the ratios and formulas and review them daily until you've committed them to memory.
Basically study until your brain shuts down, then go do something unrelated for 20-30 minutes, come back and study more. Repeat every day, several times a day if necessary and you will get to a place of “comfort” with the topics. After each chapter, I asked myself, “If the entire exam was only on this chapter, would I pass?” If the answer was no, I knew there was more work to do. The only exception was employee benefits because of pension accounting. I'm still at a loss with most of that that business. If I remember correctly, there were two conceptual pension questions on my test, so I guess I got lucky. Also, I memorized the ratios and didn't get one single question on them. Go figure.
You will pass, Cruzer!
FAR: 80 (10/28/2016)
AUD: DSD (Dragon Slayer Deployed) (2/6/2017)
REG: DSIT (Dragon Slayer in Training) (5/2017)
BEC: DSIW (Dragon Slayer in Waiting) (7/2017)