Official CMA Thread

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  • #176510

    Anyone have or studying for the CMA? I just passed and I am thinking about moving on to the CMA this summer. I want to go for my masters but I can’t afford to add another 30K of debt on to my undergrad loans. So I am going to wait a year or 2 before I go back. I don’ t think the CMA can hurt me at all, but has anyone found it beneficial and worth it?

    Wiley CMAexcel Learning System

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  • #1317043

    What happened to this thread?


    I am using GLEIM CMA for the CMA exam and I just wanted to say that I miss the good old days when I was studying for the CPA using the NINJA products. I haven't get used to the GLEIM format yet :/


    If I don't pass any exams by May and lose Auditing, I'll just go this route.

    I made a checklist for anyone interested.

    CMA Checklist


    Join IMA $155.00 (If you are under 33)
    CMA Entrance FEE $250.00

    Part 1 $415.00
    Part 2 $415.00

    Subtotal for Exam fees $1,235.00

    Prep (TB and Book only)

    Part 1 (Gleim CMA) $399.00
    Part 2 (Gleim CMA) $399.00

    Subtotal for Prep $798.00

    Total to become CMA $2,033.00


    Part 1: Financial Reporting, Planning, Performance, and Control

    External Financial Reporting Decisions 15%
    Planning, Budgeting, and Forecasting 30%
    Performance Management 20%
    Cost Management 20%
    Internal Controls 15%

    Part 2: Financial Decision Making

    Financial Statement Analysis 25%
    Corporate Finance 20%
    Decision Analysis 20%
    Risk Management 10%
    Investment Decisions 15%
    Professional Ethics 10%


    Part 1:

    Financial Reporting, Planning, Performance, and Control

    1. External Financial Statements and Revenue Recognition
    2. Measurement, Valuation, and Disclosure: Investments and Short-Term Items
    3. Measurement, Valuation, and Disclosure: Long-Term Items
    4. Cost Management Concepts
    5. Cost Accumulation Systems
    6. Cost Allocation Techniques
    7. Operational Efficiency and Business Process Performance
    8. Analysis and Forecasting Techniques
    9. Budgeting – Concepts, Methodologies, and Preparation
    10. Cost and Variance Measures
    11. Responsibility Accounting and Performance Measures
    12. Internal Controls – Corporate Governance
    13. Internal Controls – Controls and Security Measures

    Part 2:

    Financial Decision Making

    1. Ethics, Fraud, and Risk Management
    2. Financial Markets and Types of Securities
    3. Valuation Methods and Cost of Capital
    4. Managing Current Assets
    5. Corporate Restructuring and International Finance
    6. Ratio Analysis
    7. Financing and Activity Measures
    8. Investment Decisions
    9. CVP Analysis
    10. Marginal Analysis and Pricing

    AUD - 1st - 60 (12/12), 61 (2/13), 61 (8/13), 78! (11/15)
    REG - 55 (2/16) 69 (5/16) Retake(8/16)
    BEC - 71(5/16) Retake (9/16)
    FAR - (8/16)


    I haven't taken a CMA exam yet but as for now I am finding the material a bit easier than the CPA but not that much. There is some overlap from FAR and BEC and the questions format seems longer compared to those of the CPA but as for now I am finding the material a little more “manageable” I passed the CPA using NINJA and loved the format of the review course, but I just haven't got used to the GLEIM CMA format yet.


    Wasn't the Country Music Awards a few weeks ago :p


    For those curious about the content of the CMA exam, I am about to finish studying for Part 1 and it sure feels like its BEC but on steriods!! Compared to BEC I feel it goes deeper on the concepts.


    I can't imagine a CMA is going to get you much on top of having a CPA. I also don't think a masters in accounting would do anyone much good once you're a CPA. I think a CFA would be the best test process to go through if you didn't get enough from the CPA exams. Or academically I think a MBA is worth the most to employers. Just my 2 cents.

    BEC: 85
    REG: 74, 78
    AUD: 86
    FAR: October?


    I really think it depends on what areas you want to focus. A CFA sure does add value if you are in Banking industry but I think the CMA delivers a better ROI for Corporate (non investment) jobs. Sure the CFA is more difficult and has a certain “prestige” that maybe the CMA lacks but ultimately it depends on what industry you may want to focus.


    Sorry if there is a double post.

    I really think it depends on what Industry you want to focus. A CFA really adds value if you are in the Banking Industry but if I were to focus on Corporate (non investment) Industry I really think the CMA adds value and its a better ROI than a MBA. The CFA is more difficult and has a “prestige” that maybe the CMA lacks but at the end it depends on what Industry you want to focus.


    Sorry if there is a double post.

    I really think it depends on what Industry you want to focus. A CFA really adds value if you are in the Banking Industry but if I were to focus on Corporate (non investment) Industry I really think the CMA adds value and its a better ROI than a MBA. The CFA is more difficult and has a “prestige” that maybe the CMA lacks but at the


    I think it depends on what Industry you want to focus. The CFA really adds value and it translates weel in Banking for example but in Corporate (non investment) I think the CMA gives a better ROI than a CFA or a MBA does. The CFA is more difficult and has a “prestige” that maybe the CMA lacks but I really think it depends on what Industry you want to focus.


    I passed part I CMA last Oct. I just took Part 2 in this Oct and waiting for score on Dec. If I passed, I would have 3 title after my name: MAcc, CPA, CMA. Go for CMA after finishing your CPA. It is additional value of your credential.


    I'm considering pursuing the CMA certification to go along with my CPA cert. My question though is whether the CMA would add any value to a position in the service sector since I'm already a CPA. It's obviously very valuable for the manufacturing sector given that it deals a lot with cost management and accounting, but I have no interest in pursuing a position in the manufacturing sector. My ideal position would be a financial controller or corporate executive for a service organization. Do you think the CMA is worth pursuing given my career goals and the fact that I already have my CPA certification?


    My question is for those of you who used Wiley's CPAexcel review course and are now using Wiley's CMAexcel course. Have you noticed that the layout of the physical CMAexcel text books are not the same as the layout of the online text books seen on the efficient learning system? I used Wiley for the CPA exam and the layout of the physical CPAexcel text books that came with the review course were the exact same as the online text books seen on the efficient learning system. There seems to be an inconsistency with the books and the online system. Example: when I read a chapter from the physical CMAexcel book, as well as the online version, and then do the online study questions for that chapter, there are questions on topics that were not covered in that chapter. Like today I read through inventory management and when I did the study questions they asked me about topics related to inventory management that were not covered in the text. I contacted Wiley several times and they don't seem to be getting the message. Anyone else experiencing this?


    Bump..what seems to be the consensus regarding best CMA review course?

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