Is It Worth It?

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  • #3216539

    Although expensive, is a membership to the state CPA society worth it? Thank you.

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  • #3216869

    It depends on the person.
    I would think of it as “union dues” or “insurance”.
    Your state society needs to look out for and protect your interests, and to keep the CPA bar higher so there is a barrier to entry to ensure your still have a job, and your skills still carry value and carry a premium over non-CPAs.
    I'm sure they do other things to, but lobbying to keep your job and worth relevant seem to be the most important things a CPA state society can do for me personally.


    Prior to COVID, I used it for networking purposes. Sometimes, I would be on the job and run into an accounting question that my education, research, and Google could not answer. As such, I could call upon any one of my contacts from networking and they would help me. I am currently studying for the CPA (using UWorld Roger), and know that once I get the accreditation, I will keep the membership active. COVID put a real damper on things, so I will not renew until the in-person networking opportunities (not virtual ones) present themselves again.


    You don't necessarily have to join these state societies.

    The real value for these societies are it's networking events which you don't really need to be a member to attend even though you might pay a little bit more the admission.

    I was a member of CalCPA for 2 years before I decided not to renew.


    Thank you for all of your advice. I was hesitant at first, but I see the benefits and now may join.

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