Public Accounting at 30 – advice? - Page 2

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  • #171630

    Good News – I just passed my final part of the CPA exam

    Bad News – It took me awhile to finally find some direction and decide that this was going to be my career path. That being said, I’m 30 yrs old now and considering what to do next.

    I’ve been doing some corporate accounting for 4+ years and I report to a CPA, so they had no problem signing off on my work experience, which means I’ll be a CPA in a few weeks. But I feel like my experience is too narrow right now – I’ve only worked in the banking industry, and would like to diversify my base of exposure/body of knowledge. I thought a good option to consider was public accounting.

    It’s not typical to finally go for the CPA at my age, so I assume that large firms don’t get many 30 year old applicants. Can anyone shed some light on my situation? Is it not as weird as I think? Will having earned the CPA make them realize I’m serious about this profession and maybe help get my foot in the door? Would I be considered for a more advanced position based on my experience and CPA?

    Any sort of input would be greatly appreciated.

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  • #673933

    Ya i thought u were going for the 2nd level CPA liscense which requires a specific amount of audit time at each stage of the audit (planning, fieldwork, reporting and supervision and review hours). Didnt realize u were going for the general work/liscense requirement. I got that general one but was missing the required review hours for the higher level CPA liscense which allows people to sign off on Audit Reports in both private and public industry. It really is useless though unless u plan on staying in public accounting and making partner, since you wont be doing Audits as a sole proprietor, tax professional or accountant in private industry anyhow


    Hey jpump – any updates?

    For those of you who got into Big4 as the experienced hire – did they care about your undergrad GPA even as the experienced hire/CPA?

    "If you can do it, I can do it better."


    I am working on it at age 35. I work at a Big 4, but in Advisory IT. I may go into financial systems management. There are a lot of options after a CPA I think.

    I think public accounting is just one option of many?


    @shenjie = Troll & Spammer

    Go whack yourself dude! Gosh people really have nothing else to do.

    Becker Class of Jan - Aug 2013: FARB DONE!!!!
    CPA license pending 🙂



    I am 32 now and I just started with PwC. I feel it is not a big deal as long as you get along with your coworkers and seniors and managers. I had a career change and got into accounting late in life. I guess it helps as I am young at heart and got along great with my classmates during graduate school and many of whom were 23-25 ish and also going into acoounting at Big 4 and other large corporations.


    my husband had a career change last year, quit his job of 13 years as relationship manager at a big asset management firm. went back to school and got a master in accounting,. will start at PWC in tax next week.

    I am excited for him at age 37, but also worry about age discrimination/ long hours/ limited chances for future partnership he is not thrilled about taking CPA, which I thik its essential to move up the ladder. does anyone have any advise????


    I worked at a large regional firm out of college and there were some older staff people. Most of the staff are straight out of school and young, but there is no rule. I think firms are looking for people that are eager to work in public accounting. People that had some industry experience generally got promoted faster. I'm assuming they had to start at around the same salary as the other staff straight out of college…

    I didn't do tons of socializing after work, it just isn't my thing. The team atmosphere at work was pretty awesome, but not going out to happy hour was not held against me, they just stopped inviting me. Oh well!

    FAR - 7/13 - 72, 11/13- 74, 2/14- 82!!! Best score ever (for me)!!!
    BEC - 1/14 - 75!!! Perfect score! First Pass! YAY!!!
    AUD - 8/14 - 80!!!
    REG - 5/14 - 72, 10/14 - 66, 1/15 - 78 - DONE FOREVER!!!
    I did 5 of the UNA and CPAExcel classes to earn units.


    I'm not sure what to do either. Currently a Senior Corporate Accountant with 5 years experience in Financial Accounting. Worked for one public company and two private. I should be licensed early next month. Currently 29 years old-I keep thinking I need to go into Big 4 or a smaller firm or something since I will be a CPA next month. However, none of the big 4 have contacted me when I have applied to all as an experienced associate. I realize corporate financial accounting experience isn't audit experience, but come on…I have 5 years plus in June, will be a CPA..not sure how I wouldn't have a leg up against someone who barely knows JEs and just came out of school. Anyways, I only make in the low 50's…got my first job out of college making $40k, then another job at $43k, and this current job only at $52k..stagnant for the last couple years. According to Robert Half I should be making quite a bit more, however if companies know my salary history they would be hesitant to get me up to, say $80k, when they know it is such a large increase. When maybe I could get that if i were already at $65k. I'm in Phoenix, AZ. My grades weren't great in college because I was a full-time student, had two jobs,and a GF, so I kind of skid by. This is one of the reasons I didn't try for Big 4 and took the first public company staff accountant job that was offered to me…economy was horrible in 2008 and I wanted experience. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks!

    REG 77 Feb14
    BEC 13*, 79 Aug14
    FAR 64**, 76 Nov14
    AUD 89 Feb15

    *Exited exam after first testlet
    **Only studied F1-F6 out of 10 Becker chapters

    Licensed Arizona CPA


    @law0915, how long have you been a senior accountant? If I were you, I would be looking at controller or accounting manager positions in industry. I honestly think you could make more money faster that way. Even if you don't have a ton of managerial experience, having a CPA license will help get you in the door for those roles.


    @Casey, Thanks for your reply. I never thought about it since some of those positions say they require public experience and actual supervisory experience. Then again, my prior boss and other acct managers have had zero public/auditing experience. I have been a Senior Accountant for close to 3 years, the other two were Staff Accountant positions. My current recruiter is saying people that are hiring for accounting managers are looking for those that are already managers. She said if I wanted to get a Acc Mgr role that I would need to find one where they wanted to train up to that quickly. Thanks for your advice. I will try applying independently to management positions.

    REG 77 Feb14
    BEC 13*, 79 Aug14
    FAR 64**, 76 Nov14
    AUD 89 Feb15

    *Exited exam after first testlet
    **Only studied F1-F6 out of 10 Becker chapters

    Licensed Arizona CPA



    Tell your husband to keep his relationships and networks in tact. He needs to get his CPA ASAP and then farm his network to generate new business. That is how he will put his name on the door. He might already have the hard part done (building his network).


    I know someone who's 32 years old and they are entering at PwC, and they will get the offer soon!


    @Another85 How did they go about getting their foot in the door? Were they previously working in Public? I'm looking to get into to specifically PwC.

    REG 77 Feb14
    BEC 13*, 79 Aug14
    FAR 64**, 76 Nov14
    AUD 89 Feb15

    *Exited exam after first testlet
    **Only studied F1-F6 out of 10 Becker chapters

    Licensed Arizona CPA


    @ law0915

    She was working in a small company and she was pursuing her master's degree in accounting; she was my classmate. She communicated with campus recruiters and she got the offer. They didn't care too much about her age; she was self-conscious though because people her age were in the manager and senior manager level, but who cares! Also, most interns and entry level staff are usually 22 or 23.


    I was 33 years old my first day at the Big4 firm I work for and I didn't even intern. I served 10 years in the military then went back to school on the GI Bill and got hired as a recent college grad. Most of the associates I work with are nice, but I have nothing in common with them because of the age difference. I found it funny as a first year associate being supervised by, and picking up meals for, 2nd year associates and seniors that we're still in middle school when I was in the dessert getting shot at by hadji.

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