Leaving Big 4 before manager promotion - Page 2

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    I need advice! I been at big 4 for about 6 yrs and been at a “manager” position for 2 yrs now and the reason I don’t have the title is because of the CPA. I was currently planning on taking time off to concentrate on exams and try to pass once and for all but an opportunity came by for a senior position with more money than I’m getting paid now and way better quality of life (actual work/life balance). I’m just debating my decision because if I stay and pass the exam by Jan I will get the title as soon as I pass but if I dont pass the exams by Jan then I will have to wait for the next promotion round at the end of next yr. I’m just debating because of manager title and of course going back to being senior. Just trying to weigh out all my options and going back and forth with a decision.

    Any Advice? HELP!

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    Having a CPA and the manager title (in addition to responsibilities and true experience of managing) will help a lot if you intend to stay in accounting-related fields.

    Do you think you could get a similar offer next year if the CPA doesn't work out? I'm trying to gauge how shocking the $20k is to you and if it's more than you would likely get in the near future from someone else.


    @Topsya I was not in audit. I am in tax group.


    @Garion Thank you for responding! Wow I wish you luck. Very impressed you have worked very hard but you will definitely make it to where you want to be with your determination to get back where you were before. This is a very difficult decision for me because it's not only about the money of course but what this decision will do to my future career not having the title from Big 4. My choices are (1.) I can stay and try to get CPA exams all passed this window and get the manager title by end of year but if I fail I will have to wait for title at end of year for next promotion and still do manager work (2.) I can leave and take this opportunity as senior, make more money, work less hours, get CPA and have opportunity to get promoted in June at the new firm.

    Decisions, Decisions, Decisions………………………………………..


    Aside from the salary being higher have you considered differences in benefits?

    Very often I see people all excited about a new job that pays better, but they don't stop to consider they may lose a significant amount of vacation time they were getting, their portion of health and dental goes up, or they lose 401(k) matching.

    If the TOTAL COMPENSATION PACKAGE is better at the smaller firm, I'd most definitely switch especially if you're unsure whether you will be promotable in 3 months or 15 months.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    @fuzyfro89 I tried looking into other industries outside of tax but it's very hard to move to a different field once I spent so many years in the tax field. At the moment, I intend to stay in the tax field.

    I been interviewing for a very long time and because I work in the tax field in a specialized group I been on several interviews and nothing has quite worked out. It's not only about the money of course bc I have been here for a long time but so many other factors such as work/life balance, opportunity to get more experience in other tax areas, opportunity for growth, new environment, new clients…The only thing on my mind right now is it a good move to leave big 4 without manager title and will it affect me in the future…since I'm so close to getting it if I pass exams but yet soo far since I'm still working on the exams 🙁


    @mla1169 Thank you for your advice! Yes I definitely considered everything else in the other place and it seems alot more promising than my current deal at big 4.


    @WantCPA30… Thanks for the vote of confidence. I am very fortunate to have a very good life and career, and will prevail in the long run. Good luck to you with your decision

    Idea… will the partners at your firms grant you a summer sabbatical to focus on the exam? I have seen this happen on a couple of occasions before. You could knock three out in one session and then get the fourth just before promotion.

    FAR 84 (7/24/14)
    BEC 87 (8/28/14)
    REG 84 (10/14/14)
    AUD 86 (11/24/14)
    Ethics 98 (1/19/15)
    Licensed CPA: March 13, 2015


    I think it creates a potential black mark on your resume, anyone familiar with the industry that sees 6 years at Big4 and Senior title is going to assume you got passed for promotion. In which case, if it comes up, you can explain that you had manager responsibilities and would have been promoted if you had finished the CPA, which also sounds negative.

    Self proclaimed: Highest ratio of Replies to Others v. Posts Created on A71

    California CPA - Big4 Aud Manager Alum - Private Accounting at Startups

    FAR, REG and BEC with Ninja Notes + WTB Only

    Ninja + Wiley Test Bank: [FAR - 81] [REG - 76] [BEC - 88] [AUD - 73](doh!)

    Becker Videos: [AUD - 82]

    California CPA


    @Garion Yes you will prevail. I actually requested a sabbatical and was granted one until this opportunity came along.

    @acamp and that's why I'm having a hard time with this decision even though all the interviews I went to they understood my position now as a manager but without title bc of the CPA.


    I would just come at the Big 4 firm with the new offer and ask them if their interested in matching or beating. I would let their answer be the deciding factor.

    You will probably not have to worry about money in the long-term, because you are in tax and have four years of Big 4 experience. Sure if you stayed long enough to get the manager title your resume would look better, but you should technically put in another year to solidify the title. You will have to ask yourself if you can do another year.

    I think the smart move is to see if the Big 4 will beat your recent offer, since this may change the whole scenario and pros and cons list.

    Passed all 4 exams in 2014!


    I was just talking to a person with close to five years of tax Big 4 experience and he made an interesting point about the Big 4 forcing you to specialize being a negative for your career. So moving to a smaller firm where you can learn how to deal with a more wide range of clients may be a better move than the manager title career wise.

    Passed all 4 exams in 2014!


    I think within the last 4-5 years common wisdom would have said wait it out for the manager title. However, now days with the economy forcing people out of jobs, gaps in employment and titles aren't that big of a deal. Especially if you can land the interview and sale yourself. All you would need to do is explain the situation like you have here and people will understand. Also, a lot of people end up reinventing themselves 2 – 3 times within their working career and 10 years down the road nobody will care if you were a Big 4 manager or not.

    My advice is to take the work/life balance, the $20K, and finish the CPA at a smaller firm. The title will come eventually.

    AUD - 90
    FAR - 71, 76
    REG - 75
    BEC - 76 (bubble sucks)

    Becker + Ninja MCQ's


    @Sir Study Alot – I totally thought of that to see if they will match me but I highly doubt that they will since they will say I reached the cap for senior even though I do manager work. But even if I try that I will lose the bonus if I tell them I'm giving my 2 wks before we get it pd out. I know they will try to make me stay but I think it's the best for the moment as you mentioned I am very specialized and it has been a battle to try to get a job.

    @Vern -No what I mean – I agree with you 100%!!!!!


    “All you would need to do is explain the situation like you have here and people will understand.”

    Thats completely counter to my point (which is fine haha), but anyone you interview with who has former public experience and knocked out the exam while working will raise an eyebrow to you not being able to get it done. I think of it along the lines of saying you won a trip to Hawaii but couldnt get your bags packed.

    Ok, making manager is not Hawaii and CPA is a lot harder than packing your bags, how about it being similar to almost having a degree, but being 9 credits shy.

    Self proclaimed: Highest ratio of Replies to Others v. Posts Created on A71

    California CPA - Big4 Aud Manager Alum - Private Accounting at Startups

    FAR, REG and BEC with Ninja Notes + WTB Only

    Ninja + Wiley Test Bank: [FAR - 81] [REG - 76] [BEC - 88] [AUD - 73](doh!)

    Becker Videos: [AUD - 82]

    California CPA


    @ WantCPA30

    I am curious to know what the specialization is? Its making me nervous that four years of Big 4 experience can equal hard to find a job.

    I am going to be a little under half way through my MST program, and I may have to give up the tax thing and MST if I can't find an internship or job before tax season. Your situation is making me even more nervous about my career choice, because I don't want to end up with four years of experience and not be marketable. I am 32 and do not want to have to do a “I am trying to get out of tax!” post when I am 37. I am losing my hair quick, so I need to choose the right career this time…

    Passed all 4 exams in 2014!

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