You may roll your eyes after reading this but…

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  • #1531207

    Ok so maybe I am overthinking but I just need some inputs on my action plan. I have passed BEC and REG so far and am planning to retake AUD in May. My BEC expires in Mar and while it still seems long ways from now, the Q2 results won’t be out until Aug. Which leaves me with exactly 3 attempts if I take FAR in Q3 and fail (and AUD, if I fail again). I can’t stop thinking about how I will lose my score if I don’t pass FAR and AUD. I know I should be more positive but I am working full-time and may be relocating internationally over the next couple of months as well which makes me think what if I am not able to perform well and pass? I know there are people who have families and way more responsibilities than I probably do but the new exam does seem really hard and I am not very smart. I did just fine in all my undergrad accounting classes including Intermediate Accounting but I barely passed Advanced Accounting, and the exam changes are not making it any easier. Any thoughts?

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  • #1531602

    I don't really have any advice, as I'm in somewhat of a similar situation – BEC will expire February 2018 for me and I still have to pass the next three. I've just decided that I am going to do everything possible to pass the next three by August, and failing is not an option anymore. Just give it your absolute best and know that many, many people have been in worse situations with this exam and have made it out just fine. So will we. Best of luck to you!


    I had a sub 3.0 accounting GPA in undergrad and I was fine. Just do the work and you'll pass.

    +1 for Office-related handle.

    4 for 4

    FAR 85
    AUD 94
    BEC 86
    REG 90


    I barely passed undergrad and remembered nothing from it and I'm a CPA, don't even bring that into your train of thought because it doesn't matter. You know what it takes to pass, because you've passed some parts 🙂

    Study hard and you'll do great

    FAR - 80
    AUD - 82
    BEC - 80
    REG - 85

    ETHICS - 90
    Application for California license mailed 8/4/2016


    You're going to have to change your attitude. You need to take a deep breath and say this is tough but you're tougher. If you think you need 150 hours, push yourself to 200. When you think you can't study anymore set an alarm for another 30 minutes. Don't think about anything but how much you can study TODAY. This isn't a test of smarts it's a test of determination.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    I am working full time too and I have AUD and REG left which I have to pass by this Nov. Otherwise, I will lose my FAR credit. Same as your, my AUD was 74 scores tested in Feb and I just had the 2nd test today. Overall I felt the new exam structure was not much harder than the old one. MCQ was similar to the previous version and overall Sims were not too hard but need good time management. It's difficult as we do not see all sims at once but 2 sims, 3 sims and 3 sims. I had one difficult for 1st sim and 3rd sim testlet. I had no idea with some MCQ questions. I did not get DRS sim but instead had one sim which was incredibly long, complicated and tricky and I could not finish it on time, spending 15 mins for only reading that sim.

    I suggest you taking FAR in Q3 before the score release and then there will be time for a section on Sep 10th (3 weeks preparation) just in case.

    Be positive and good luck!


    What review and test bank you used both time. Any advice to prepare for sims. I have wiley review and wiley test bank. I am struggling with sims.


    You passed REG so you will pass FAR easily.



    I used Roger for both time. I actually bought Ninja note and ninja MCQ but did not have time to dig through. The note was good but the way of memorizing and order were different from Roger then I was a bit confused and get back to Roger again. Then I went back to Roger Cram, read it again, making my own note and felt that I had more understanding.

    I practiced Roger MCQ and Sims again and got better range of Roger score than my first exam. Because I was pretty scared with the new TBS, I repeated doing the sims until I understand why, especially DRS. In the exam, I felt that Roger sims helped me a lot with the similar level of difficulty & concept but my problem was time management, which I could not finished the last question in TBS although I had 36 mins left. I did not get DRS question but the one I got was more difficult than DRS with long question and very complicated. I am super worried about the score release in Aug as I do not want to fail again. I feel bad after I left the test center and had a sense that I did better than last time as many said if you feel good, you gonna fail 🙁

    For sims, I recommend practicing AICPA sims sample test on its website (very useful),and think about strategy dealing with long sims with multiple questions in there (like listing the key questions and write down related info on the plastic board). As even though you know how to answer, you may not have enough time. If your Wiley test bank had similar sims as AICPA sample test, I think it should be fine.

    Hope this help and I wish you luck.


    So let me get this. You're already planning for AUD in May which means, you have MORE than enough time for that exam from now to then to get it out of the way. Then you have practically ALL of June and maybe even July to study for FAR. In the event that you fail both (which shouldn't be the case since you have AMPLE time to make sure that you cover ALL the topics in each exam), you STILL have Q4 and Q1 for BOTH exams.

    You can't study this test, expecting that you'll have to retake it. Yes, that is a back-up plan. But study as HARD as you can, so you're so scared of a retake that you don't even HAVE to do it. Worry about the retake when you get your scores. Honestly, I hate REG with a passion. You PASSED REG, you will pass FAR. Trust. My accounting minor did absolutely NOTHING to help me for these exams. I have Roger to thank for. You will pass this test, it's a matter of how much effort you're putting in. I had to google debits and credits for my FAR retake (no shame). Believe in yourself.

    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved - Helen Keller


    BEC 80 (10/23/15)
    FAR 72 (4/2/15); 83 (7/11/16)
    REG 52 (4/28/15)
    AUD (9/9/16)

    Roger + NINJA MCQ + WTB


    @hasy “I had to google debits and credits for my FAR retake (no shame). Believe in yourself.”

    Seriously. MY FAVE. #Truth #noshame

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