You know you’re a CPA candidate when (Jeff Foxworthy) - Page 3

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  • #164997

    Just seeing if we could get any fun out of this. I’ll start with mine..

    You know you are a CPA candidate when … you buy $100.00 head phones to better your listening experience with AUD gleim CD’s


    You know you are a CPA candidate when…you start your joke at the office with “I heard this one off…”

    BEC - 81 11/30/11 Praise God
    FAR - 84 7/11/11
    AUD -70,64,72, IM DONE!! 90 7/5/12
    REG - 84 10/07/11

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  • #1562203

    LMFAO!!!! OMG, keep these coming! I need as much laughter to get me through the rest of this year!

    You know you're a CPA Candidate when your idea of socializing is going on


    You know you're a cpa candidate when you've taken your last test and don't know what to do with all this time but still praying to the Good Lord that you passed. It's called “cruel and unusual punishment”, AICPA (8A) – learn it.

    From the OP – You know… when you buy a $350 set of very mediocre headphones that just happen to quiet everything down to be able to study. Any takers which 🙂


    You know you're a CPA Candidate when you try to think of other acronyms and mnemonics besides BARF and Can't Pass Again. If you know any, please share. LOL!


    You know you're a CPA Candidate when you get annoyed when people ask you if you want to hang out when your schedule exclusively consists of working, studying, working out, and sleeping? Ummm, when??? Next year?

    You know you're a CPA Candidate when you get annoyed that you constantly have to explain to people the process of applying for and taking the CPA exam and how it will take 3 months to get your score.

    What do you guys say when you get asked these questions cause I'm legit gonna go off on the next person who asks me one of these questions. I'm praying so hard that God helps me with this.

    You know you're a CPA Candidate when you regret telling family and friends that you're studying for the CPA exam cause they ask so many questions. Then they forget the answers by the time you take your next exam… SMH.


    You know you are a CPA candidate when the idea of Peter Olinto doing a lecture in Becker is so exciting after 6 chapters of Garrity 🙂 LOL!


    You know you're a CPA candidate when every song you ever heard is now relatable to your CPA exam experience.

    1. *NSYNC – Here We Go
    2. *NSYNC – I Want You Back
    3. *NSYNC – Tearin' Up My Heart
    4. *NYSYNC – Bye Bye Bye
    5. Eminem – Love The Way You Lie
    6. Eminem – 25 To Life
    7. Eminem – Puke
    8. Chris Brown – Deuces
    9. Al Green – Tired Of Being Alone
    10. The Temptations – I Wish It Would Rain
    11. Jackson 5 – All I Do Is Think Of You
    12. The Tony Rich Project – Nobody Knows

    I can literally relate every song I've ever heard to this experience in some way – whether it's passing an exam, studying, having no life, whatever…. Sad love songs that I've cried tears to are now cracking me up. HA!


    When u go to Six Flags and u take your audios. I forgot I was in public and said things like “oh! You have to look at threshold too!” out loud.

    When u read flash cards in line at the bank, grocery store, red light, family events.

    When u look on line for 3 days for noise cancelling headsets like sheldon on big bang. Closest thing I found was air plain maintance sets.


    @Julia – The Bose noise cancelling headphones are amazing. You can buy them at Target and use your RedCard to 5% off too!


    U haven't shaved for 2 weeks and feel like dog crap.

    U have no friends bc u have a full time relationship with your CPA Books/Software.

    U brush your teeth every other day.

    U shower twice a week.

    U have increased your AD twice since starting the exam process.


    When you leave a test and you only cry for 10 mins


    You might be a CPA candidate when you can name the Prometric locations within 25 miles of your house.

    You know you're a CPA candidate when you hear a news anchor say the word “crime” and you blurt out “control environment, risk assessment, information systems, monitoring, and existing control activities.”

    You know you're a CPA candidate when you have a refrigerator magnet holding up your NTS.

    You might be a CPA candidate when flashcards always seem to be on your shopping list.

    You might be a CPA candidate using Roger review if “Control” by Janet Jackson has been stuck in your head for six months.


    @Hosmer – HAAHAA! Hilarious!


    When your little 5 year old niece knows words like “deductions” “threshold” “agi” and helps u study flashcards.
    She answers your phone “Tia can't play. She has to study. “


    when you finally understand that ole saying misery loves company

    BEC - 79
    REG - 85
    AUD - 5/27/16


    When you ask Siri “how many days until August 17?” 72 days!

    AUD - 1st - 60 (12/12), 61 (2/13), 61 (8/13), 78! (11/15)
    REG - 55 (2/16) 69 (5/16) Retake(8/16)
    BEC - 71(5/16) Retake (9/16)
    FAR - (8/16)

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