When you retype questions from your study materials, take them to work, discuss why the materials are wrong with your boss (a CPA), your company tax accountant (also a CPA), your company GAAP Auditor (also a CPA.)
When the small people in you life are told you finally passed the last exam and they respond, “Good then she can spend time with me again.”
When you've written the letters B, A, R, F on your white board vertically with test dates & scores next to each letter.
When the write on/wipe off calendar on your wall has 4 Capital “T”‘s on it in case someone didn't note the dates on the white board.
When you don't care what important things are going on in the office the last few days before an exam because you WILL be at home studying.
When YOU are sick and tired of hearing, “I can't I have to study” come out of your mouth for the 10,000th time.
When holidays = more study time to catch up because your behind in your study plan AGAIN.
When you take your study materials with you because you've got a spare hour between hair & nail appointments and you know there is a quiet corner to study in at your hair salon AND you KNOW your hairdresser won't think you're crazy.
When your hairdresser sends you a text that says, “OMG I just saw your mom! So happy for you!!! CONGRATS!!”
When driving 4 hrs to buy wine with your oldest and dearest friend seems like an absolutely fantastic idea since you took hopefully your last exam 4 days ago and scores don't come for 10 more days.
When the answer to “what were you doing up at 1am on a week night?” is “Hitting F5 on my keyboard repeatedly, DUH” and that seems like a perfectly reasonable answer to you because you're sleep deprived and running on adrenaline because OMG YOU ACTUALLY PASSED AND IT'S FINALLY F(*%$&*(ING OVER!!!
B - 11/11/16
A - 4/16/16 87!!
R - 2/17/17
F - 7/26/16 - Waiting for 8/23