WTF is with audit? - Page 2

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  • #1636460

    Did anyone fail audit in Q3 that felt VERY comfortable with the material? Just curious…

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  • #1637003

    I passed but felt like Turbo above. I thought I did quite well, limped in with a 76. Thought I failed REG, scored a 79. I have no clue how they score these things!



    Q2 was only released on NASBA Linkedin news feed. I haven't seen it anywhere else.


    Can anyone that got a high score in audit/audit experience tell us where we're going wrong here? Lol not sure where to focus on as I have been really doing well in progress tests and MCQ questions as well as sims..


    Probably fell for every trick in the book on the exam..that is my guess. Audit is probably the most easiest section to study and one of the trickiest to deal with because there is no calculation. I've found that it is the best section out of all of the other sections to use the process of elimination to rule out tricks on the mcq and sims. Knowing why each choice is incorrect is a must IMO.


    Here is my 2 cents.

    Don't try to memorize everything and puke it out on the exam.

    It's better to take a step back and determine what is most reasonable.

    On my SIMS, there weren't a ton a factual questions, but more common sense ones (except the one question that was straight from FAR).

    Study overall concepts and run through multiple choice questions, that's what worked for me.

    I probably studied the least of all four exams for AUD and I'm only 3 weeks into REG studies.


    I guess I also fell for every trick in the book. I just wish I knew what I did wrong.

    Hell, aren't we, as auditors, suppose to learn from our mistakes so it doesn't happen in the real world?

    I studied the least amount of hours for AUD as well (80 hours), but felt very comfortable with the material by exam day. Maybe it was my lack of RTFQ skills that did me in.


    I agree..I think that I could have made stupid errors halfway through the exam because a lot of the same questions kept appearing and I COULD have gotten comfortable..its just scary to think that I felt that good about it and I am not sure where to start now..


    Thanks for everyones advice btw..I think I also struggle with the subjectivety involved, especially with the sims..


    Was expecting 80 but got 66. Most reviews have just terrible simulations. Hardly relevant to exam.


    Anyone have any advice on how to deal with the subjectivity involved with the questions? I feel like audit is my strongest subject but the judgement calls are often what kills me and its not like the other exams where you can understand what you did wrong through calculations..also does actual audit experience help with the exam?

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