Window Expiration Extension - Page 2

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  • #1514308

    Read the following on Roger CPA website:

    “For those whose 18-month window to pass all the exams will begin in Q2, the delay of this score release isn’t so problematic.

    However, for candidates whose 18-month window will expire shortly after Q2, the concern is much greater.

    So if you’re a candidate whose situation is the latter, there’s good news.

    The National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) has recognized the dilemma for such candidates, and has made it clear that the decision on whether to grant conditional credit until August for candidates who took their final exam during the Q2 testing window is completely up to the individual state boards.

    NASBA is recommending that state boards give candidates conditional credit until December 31, 2017; however, each state will determine how they want to handle this unique situation, which could be on a case-by-case basis.

    Our recommendation

    We highly recommend that if you are in this boat that you contact your State Board of Accountancy since they will have the final authority to grant an extension. They will have access to the national candidate database to pull your records and confirm that your 18-month window is indeed expiring after Q2. As long as you have attendance, they will not run the expiration credit.

    Has anyone contracted their state board with inquires? My last exam is FAR and I’ll be taking it in Q2, while my first exam expires in September.

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  • #1519650

    I contacted the Maryland State Board after I found out yesterday that I failed BEC (my last one!!) and have FAR expiring Aug – 29. they replied

    “At this time we cannot base any answers on scenarios. We will address any issues such as this, if and when they occur case by case instead of a standard answer to all. I suggest you take the remaining exam as soon as you are allowed to. If you do have an issue then you can contact us and we will make a determination at that time.”


    To all those who have a test expiring end of August/September – if we find out we fail in august, we can still schedule our exam for end of august / early September right? I realize you cant sign up for an exam until you get your score back, but that should give us enough time if im correct.


    Me writing to state board:

    My REG credit expires 5/22/17 and I just submitted my re-exam application for my FAR retake that I am going to schedule once I can (Hopefully for mid-May). I wanted to ask the question for a hypothetical scenario that I hope to not be in. Since the score release of Q2 exams is not till August 14-16th would it be possible to get an extension of my REG credit if I ended up not passing FAR in mid-May due to the 10 week delay in the Q2 score release?

    Response from State Board:

    “The Board is going to consider each scenario on a case by case basis. There is nothing to do at this point but wait until the August score release. Hopefully it isn’t something we will need to address but if we do, you will email me your request (be very specific) and the Board will discuss it at their September 20th Board meeting”


    Cruzer – what state board was this?


    well said @shawn in VA! Seriously NASBA, man up! Like the candidates are not under lots of stress already


    Directly from AICPA website:

    Q. What if the score release hold impacts my ability to complete the Examination within 18 months?

    A. There is no need to contact your state board of accountancy. The AICPA, NASBA, and state boards are aware that some candidates testing in the Q2 2017 launch window will be impacted by the 10-week score reporting hold. With Q2 2017 scores scheduled for release by August 18, candidates may be unable to retake a failed section in Q3 2017.

    NASBA's National Candidate Database is designed to prohibit expiration of conditional credits until advisory scores are received if candidates take the Examination prior to the date of their score expiration. In June and July, NASBA will notify state boards of all candidates testing in Q2 2017 with existing conditional credit who will be impacted by the score hold. The state boards will consider extending a candidate's conditional credit. Extensions of credit are handled on an individual case-by-case basis. State boards will notify candidates if an extension is granted.



    Curious if anyone has any updates from their state boards on this and would like to share..


    @ Cruzer: I am on your same situation. My REG credit expires 5/31/17 . I took FAR April 15- 2017- TODAY so the score release is in Aug !!!

    I hope that every state boards be reasonable and grant a credit extension or remedy for this.

    Please peeps share any information about this situation to be informed and email the boards on time if necessary .



    Any word that other states followed Texas' perfect solution to the late score release?


    Received this today

    “I would suggest that you continue to study and focus on the remaining part you need to pass because all parts must be passed and an form 1 ( application) must be on file in order to submit a petition to the board office.

    The State Board for Public Accountancy nor the State Education Department has the authority to extend the amount of time an applicant has available to pass the CPA exam. All applicants for licensure do, however, have the opportunity to petition the Board of Regents through the State Education Department’s Committee on the Professions for a waiver of a particular requirement for licensure. (In your case, we would look for a waiver of the requirement that the 4 sections of the exam be passed within 18 months.) The Committee is empowered to recommend to the Board of Regents that the specific section of the licensing regulation be waived.

    However, the Board of Regents will accept a petition from the Committee, only if it can be shown that the requirement has been substantially met. You would need to substantially meet the examination requirement by passing all four sections of the exam, albeit outside of the 18 month conditioning requirement. Thus, we would not be able to submit your petition to the Committee on the Professions until you pass all 4 sections of the exam.

    Once you have passed all 4 sections, please submit:

    Form 1 and fee of 377.00

    Please send a complete explanation via email of how your circumstances had precluded you from passing all 4 parts of the exam in the required 18 month time frame.

    Including any medical documentation to help substantiate your petition.

    Once all of the documentation has been received, your information along with your entire testing history will be presented to the Executive Secretary for initial review. After you will receive correspondence outlining the results of the review.

    If your petition has been recommended to move forward with the petition process, your information will then be presented to the COP committee on their next meeting date. At that time they will formerly review all materials including the board’s recommendation. If approved your file will then be presented to the NYS Board of Regents for final approval on their next meeting date. Afterward you will receive correspondence directly from the Board of Regents outlining their decision.

    In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail or phone if you wish to further discuss the waiver process. Thank you!”


    Basically, you can go through the trouble of passing outside of the 18 month window, pay $377 to request an exception/extension, and then be rejected after another 2+ testing windows have passed.

    These people…(angry)

    FAR: 66, 75
    AUD: 67, 69, 70, 74, 74
    REG: 71, 79
    BEC: 73


    Has anyone had any luck with getting an extension from CA?


    @Shawn i am in the same boat as you as well and for VA My reg expires May 31. I took FAR in May and probably failed. So now i think ill have to retake far and reg in q3. I


    If you have an exam expiring in Q2 and you took your last exam in Q2 (before first exam expired date), you will not need an extension. I think people are getting this confused because they don't have their score yet for their last exam. If the time lapses it doesn't matter. The dates that matter are the days you sit for the exam.


    Can someone please explain what a 3 month extension means?

    What does it mean in my situation – I took FAR on May 30th and my 1st exam AUDIT was set to expire on May 31st. BEC will expire in July and REG sometime in August, but I won't receive my FAR score until Aug 17th.

    If I fail FAR, I will lose credit for all 3 of my previously passed exams. But with the 3 month extension, does that mean from Aug 17th, I have 3 more months until those 3 already passed tests expires?

    AUD 11/15 91
    BEC 1/16 83
    REG 2/16 79
    FAR 7/16

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