I am using Gleim for BEC. Just the textbook, I didn't buy the full course. I have Roger, but I opted not to use it for BEC. You might laugh at this – after watching like 5 Roger BEC videos, I was more confused about the topics than I was before watching them. And, I also read on here that his BEC was very weak and some people were reporting that they didn't perform well. I've been at this for more than a year now. My routine for FAR and AUD was “watch the vids, do the MCQ and TBS, and take notes on the MCQ and TBS while doing them.” For BEC I haven't taken many notes or watched any videos. After a year of studying, I am still trying to come up with something that will work for me. As I am not generally good at test taking, I'm estimating that I will have to take most of them twice before getting a pass. My first round of testing is sort of “Get a feel for each one”. The world changes with one score of 75 or higher!
If you did REG in 5 weeks and FAR in 2.5 months, and passed, you're definitely accomplished. I haven't done REG though so maybe am not in a position to make a call on it but it seems like FAR takes most of us at least 3-4 months. It will have taken me 10-11 weeks to do BEC by the time I take it, which is probably about right, there isn't nearly as much in it as there is in the other 3.
I never took any computer programming courses or anything like that in school but I am planning on taking an I.T. Auditing course this or next year, after I'm done with these rotten exams.
I'm actually looking forward to it. I.T. positions can be very good and they often pay very well…if you like programming and dealing with computer issues and software issues all day long. It's not for everybody though. As to why it is so heavily tested on BEC, I don't know, but it may also have something to do with the fact that some of the other questions that they'd like to ask would simply take too much time to do….like doing a complete budget or something like that. But compared to other topics we study, I'd say COSO and I.T. are pretty tame, no? At least compared to some of those horrid FAR topics on dilutive securities and deferred taxes and govt/nonprofit.