Which test is best to start with if weak journal entry skills

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  • #1480347

    Hi everyone, which test is the best to start with if I have weak journal entry/accounting skills. I work in tax exclusively on 1040 and trusts/estates, so I haven’t done accounting work since college (10 years ago). I don’t want to start on REG I want to save that for last, I was thinking maybe BEC or AUD. Does one have less of a focus on journal entries? Thanks !

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  • #1480348

    BEC or REG.

    B - 77 (2.27.16)
    A - 81 (4.18.16)
    R -
    F -

    Roger Review + Ninja MCQs

    T Rev

    I would choose 1 of 2 ways:

    1. Start with REG to get your confidence and motivation up. Assuming this is your best chance at passing at the moment.


    2. To avoid the risk of getting past the first 3 sections and struggling with FAR, possibly losing other credits in the mean time, you could get it out of the way first and know that you don't have that looming chance of wasting the time/energy of passing the other 3 for no reason.

    If I was 10 years out from my capstone accounting courses, I would absolutely make sure that I can pass FAR before dealing with the others.


    Definately start with FAR. Its going to give you the most trouble so don't let the clock be ticking on other sections to expire. If it takes you 2-4 attempts to pass FAR your 18 month window won't start until you do. I see too many people here PANICKING that they knocked one or two exams out right away and now risk them expiring becuase they struggled with the others.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Good advice, I wanted to pass an easier one first to get a confidence boost, and have heard BEC and AUD were among the easier ones.


    I agree with MLA to start with FAR as it will you give the most trouble.

    If you don't want to start with FAR, I would start with BEC over AUD as you are weak on journal entries. You could actually get journal entries in AUD on the SIMS portion so FAR helps with AUD.

    I would do this order FAR > AUD > BEC > REG

    Substantive Testing

    My 0.02 cents. Tackle your weakness first before the clock starts ticking and avoid stressing yourself for unnecessary reasons. That said, FAR first!!


    Of course the choice is yours, but I strongly agree with people saying to take FAR. I just passed it, and I can tell you that I wouldn't want that thing looming over me if I risk loosing other exam credit. I just finished my accounting degree so all that stuff was fresh in my head. Being out of school for 10 years will make it more of a challenge. I am studying for BEC currently, and it is much more manageable than FAR. Have not come across a single journal entry.

    Good luck on whichever route you choose!


    I disagree. Leave FAR for last. I had 4 windows before I started losing the other 3 tests. Passed on 2nd try. Start with an easy one like BEC.

    AUD - 74, 99 !!
    REG - 74, 92
    BEC - 83
    FAR - 73, 86

    Studying for Ethics exam

    California candidate
    Business and Industry


    I got through the entire test without really understanding journal entries… never really understood when something is a debit or a credit, never seem to know what the accounts are called, etc. It can be done. But I got a 76 on FAR which means there's not a lot of room for error doing it that way. I'd do FAR first.

    BEC: 85
    REG: 74, 78
    AUD: 86
    FAR: October?

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