WHICH section shuld I take NEXT?

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  • #1735659

    I have question. I already paid next test REG. The limitation is Sep 3. But I missed BEC score 71, so I would like to take BEC before REG, if it is better. I passed only FAR and it expire MAY 2019. Some people say it is better for me to take BEC in JUNE. and then REG. That’s better. But I checked the seat aveilable in Sep Sunday until Sep 3rd., that is only Sep.2nd. But the day, the prometric center has other tests like TOEFL, no USCPA is avilable.(The Prometoric center is the nearest from my home.It takes about 5 hours by Highway Bus. So I can’t choose other centers. Actually, in my country we have only 2 prometric centers.)
    I am working so, I can’t go test center in Weekdays. That means I take REG In June. and BEC in SEP. But I am worried if I forget about BEC. At the sametime I am worried if I fail BEC again. I am not american, I work in the section TAX. So, studying REG is fine to me.
    I don’t like to take FAR,again. So, I can’t fail any more.
    Plese give me advice, material for BEC and which test should I take 1 st BEC, REG or AUD PLEASE
    If you have have a chance, please look my other TOPIC ‘BEC MATERIAL’

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