Which exam should I take next?

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  • #1981316

    Hi all,

    Congrats to those that have just received passing scores! And for those that haven’t keep on going, you can do it!!!

    Happy to say I just passed REG and AUD! But now I’m debating on whether to take BEC or FAR next. I start working full time Oct 8th. On the one hand, if I start BEC now I could probably get most of the studying done by the time I start work and take the test shortly thereafter. My though process is that theoretically having FAR be my last test will motivate me to study and get it done.

    However, on the other hand I know FAR is gonna be a lot and will take the longest to study for so perhaps it might make sense to start studying for that one while I have a couple of weeks that I can devote to studying full time. Just not really sure what to do and Ninja only lets you switch once in 30 days so I feel like I have to commit to whatever I do. Any thoughts?

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  • #1982714

    I usually like to get the longest or hardest task done first, so if I end up coming up to a deadline I'm hopefully engaged with the easier task. I purchased older review books cheap from Amazon and used them to help determine how I should schedule.


    I think you should take FAR when you still have a fresh memory of AUD which is closely related to FAR.


    I would knock FAR out next so that you have more cushion for your 18 month window timeline.


    I took REG and AUD first, then had work deadlines and moved so took a longer break. Just did BEC (passed) and now I have FAR scheduled for Nov. 15. I wish I would have done FAR third just for the amount of material to cover. It's going to be hard getting it done in 6-7 weeks, but that is the end of my window so no choice.


    Congrats on the passing scores. As you can see from my timeline below, I waited until last to take FAR. I would not recommend that. You'll find the amount of material in BEC a breeze after working through FAR- (notice, the amount- not the difficulty). Good luck.

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