Which CPA exam to take first??

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    Hi! So my application to sit for the CPA exams was finally approved by the CBA yesterday, and now I have to figure out what order I will be taking the exams.
    I was thinking of taking FAR first, however, with REG changing in 2019 I was wondering if it would be better to take that first (I’m thinking late August). Would this be a good idea?

    So it would look like FAR-REG-AUD-BEC or REG-FAR-AUD-BEC.

    I am so nervous for this process, so any insight or suggestions on what the best/most logical way to proceed would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you!

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  • #1865848

    The second one IMO. I always recommend taking them in that exact order.


    Because REG changes in Q1 of 2019, I say take REG first in Q3 (in case of retake – then you can retake in Q4). REG – FAR – AUD – BEC.

    If it wasn't for the REG changes I would say you could do it 3rd or 4th, but I will always recommend FAR, then AUD immediately after. AUD always incorporates FAR material into their SIMs.


    FAR takes the longest to study for….I took it first so it wouldnt cut into my 18 month window


    I would agree with above about cutting into 18-month window. It'd do FAR-REG-AUG-BEC. But given the Reg Changes- do you have knowledge/experience with the current tax law?


    Take FAR first, then Reg or Aud


    I just graduated from college this past May, and the last tax class I took was 2 years ago–and tbh I don't remember much, so basically I'm starting fresh. Also I will be joining Tax at Big 4 in January, which is why I thought it might be better to study the new tax changes rather than try to learn/cram/understand the old tax laws.


    If you don't know much about old tax laws, I don't know that it would make a huge difference to you to take REG after the changes are implemented.

    I personally did FAR-REG-BEC-AUD. I really liked tackling the “hardest” ones first, and I strongly recommend doing FAR first while you're the most motivated. Although I didn't, I definitely see the benefit of doing AUD right after FAR though. I had some sims on AUD that I wouldn't know without having taken FAR and just got lucky with remembering the specific material.

    You may also look at score releases/black out months to see which works better timing-wise since REG and FAR typically take longer 🙂


    I started with the area that I was the most familiar with. That way since it was my first exam I would be able to retain the information better. I was working as a senior auditor when I started studying, so I started with AUD. FAR is a beast, so if you decide to take that one first, it's not a bad idea. Mainly you want to make you're making the best choice for you. One thing, I do want to warn you about, is that, no matter which part you pick first, you will always have a feeling like you should have picked a different part once you start studying. Every part, I worked on, I said to myself, “I should have started this one first”. Then once I passed, all four, I realized that I took them in the right order that worked for me.

    REG - 74, Retook 6/10/16, scored a 72 (Hate this exam)
    BEC - 69, 79, 8/1/15
    AUD - 83, 4/4/15
    FAR - 77, 2/27/16


    I would take the one you're LEAST confident in first because it's probably going to take you the longest. It sounds counter intuitive because I was given the exact opposite advice and took BEC first and didn't study that long and passed quickly.

    Everyone says FAR is a bear (and it is) but my only experience is in preparing financial statements so I didn't study for that one as much as I did for REG and passed FAR on the first try.

    If I could do it all over again I would have started with REG – my last tax class was 6 years before I took the CPA exam (which has been 8 years now) and I have 0 tax experience – as you can see from my signature it took me 4 times to pass for these reasons. I felt like I was trying to learn everything all over again for the first time. I don't even do my own taxes!

    I sometimes wonder if taking it first would have been de-motivating to not start with a pass. But I was fresh when I started this journey so it might not have taken me as long. And because it took me so long (and I moved and had to change states since Kansas has a residency requirement I no longer met) I lost my BEC credit and had to re-do that, which was the worst feeling in the world.


    I also went in the order of the topics I was most familiar with….BEC-REG-AUD-FAR. Alot of people questioned the order I chose but I felt for me I needed to start with a couple of passes before I tackled FAR. I thought starting with a fail would have been discouraging and if the fails just continued I would want to give up. Passing a couple of parts put the pressure on me that I felt I needed to give it my all to pass.

    Then again if I didn't pass FAR in the last attempt and if parts started to expire I would also be questioning the logic of my choices.

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