Where to study?

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  • #2359428

    I’m trying to find a place to study, mainly on the weekends. I have kids and no office/study space and studying at home just isn’t working. I’ve tried coffee shops (too loud), and WeWork isn’t in my city. I even tried putting an office in our shed, but a bird pooped right on my desk 🙂 Libraries don’t open until 10am, and most don’t have study rooms. Where do people study? Do you bring all your stuff (books, laptop, paper, etc.) with you?

    Thank you!

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  • Author
  • #2359809
    Jimmy Dugan

    I studied at my work office. Most of my study time was after business hours and on weekends, when it's mostly quiet. I didn't use printed materials that much, so just having a computer was all I needed. I think that's one of the advantages of going away from hard copy stuff.


    I agree with the work office idea. I'm one of those people that can't study with noises or distractions, so even studying at the library just didn't work for me, much less a place like Starbucks. Strangely enough, I have found McDonald's to be a decent place to study if you go when it's not a meal time. They have free wifi and it's usually pretty empty inside, particularly if you go to one of the newer, upgraded ones. However, this is hit or miss b/c you never know when a family will come in with a bunch of kids.

    FAR - PASSED 11/14
    AUD - TBD
    BEC - TBD
    REG - First take 2/16


    Thank you everyone! I'm currently a stay-at-home parent, so my house is my workplace:)

    Hank Scorpio

    Look for a college library near you. They tend to be open more often. I found one that had some quiet places on different floors and would study there when I couldn't study at work or my local library because of the limited hours.

    FAR - 10/3/16
    BEC - 69 - 10/31/16
    AUD - November 2016
    REG - December 2016


    I always studied either at Starbucks or Library, with Starbucks being preferred place. I can't do it at home, i get distracted easily when i have other stuff that i can do like turn on tv. Basically any place where you can zone everything out and just concentrate on what you are doing is the best place.


    Been a huge issue for me as well. Office too quiet and I do not want to associate weekends with work/being at the office, coffee shops too loud, home too distracting, libraries not great hours… been avoiding Starbucks and trying smaller coffee shops that Yelp reviews say are “good for working and have free WIFI”. After work I go to the library since it is open or to my apartment lounge which is a dedicated study/reading area. I also found that you can find where Becker hosts its classes and you can go into the building saying you are going to Becker class and you can use the rooms they have reserved there!

    Graduated 05/2016.
    NY CPA Candidate.
    Public accounting.
    FAR COMING UP 07/07/2016 !! GOD HELP ME.


    What about a local park if you don't mind being outside? You would presumably need a mobile hot spot for wifi, but it could work on nicer days.

    FAR - PASSED 11/14
    AUD - TBD
    BEC - TBD
    REG - First take 2/16

    Jimmy Dugan

    There is no such thing as the perfect place to study. Probably better to get out of the house if kids are around, but otherwise, every place in the world is going to be too quiet, or too busy, or not busy enough, or too loud, or whatever. I said before that I studied at the office, but sometimes the cleaning people would be around running the vacuum, or someone would be right outside my window talking on the street.

    A lot of this thing is about finding ways to power through, not avoid, roadblocks such as distractions.


    I invested in good noise cancelling headphones and it was a game changer. Since then I could study at any noisy place like coffee shop, park or beach.

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