AICPA hasn't provided any full set of exams after 1995. I have the last copy of 1995 full-set of old FARE, ARE, Auditing & BLaw, which we currently called FAR, REG, AUD & BEC.
Since the Computer Based exam started in 2004, most of these MCQs and TBS(formerly called OOF's Questions), are incorporated into your current computerized 2004-present MCQs/SIMs software app. You won't be surprised if you find AICPA released question adapted since 1987, in your 2017 MCQs/SIMs app.
Being a Becker long time user, until 2014 MCQs/SIMs (Pdf only), these AICPA released questions are in your MCQs/SIMs software app.
The closest you can do to have a 4hrs exam replica, for each section, is to use your MCQs/SIMs software app. Most of the MCQs came from AICPA released exams way back and the current ones.
As to the SIMs, AICPA seems adapted some from the former OOFs/TBSs format, with additional attached files/pages for the DRS TBS.
DRS Sims version looks more like an introduction of working in a ‘cloud' or ‘paperless' or ‘online – via email' environment. It seems like some accounting firms have started going in that direction, working online.
So, if you want to have access to AICPA test banks, besides visiting the site, make your own, through your MCQs/SIMs app.
As to newer SIMs, the closest you can have is the AICPA Sample site SIMs, and reading your textbooks, notes, do the illustrations/examples, and your MCQs/SIMs app as well.
Good luck.