What was your hardest exam, and how did you pass?

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  • #1636085

    Hey everyone,

    I saw a forum post about how people ranked which they felt was the easiest to hardest exams. I just was curious which exam was your personal hardest, and how did you get through it? I think some people might have some good advice, cause there is at least 1 (or all 4) that stump people. For me, it was REG hands down, and I struggled to even study the material because I found it so painfully boring and frustrating. I was able to overcome it by actually giving myself small rewards after doing well in progress test, and made sure I never overstudied where Id be too fried to even read a chapter. Looking forward to hearing other peoples responses!

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  • #1636094

    For me it was REG. I work in the audit department and no tax experience. I failed first time then came back with a different approach. I basically wrote all my notes in flash card form (except the business law parts). I feel like REG with all its rules and limits and all that it fits nicely into flash card format. I just did non-stop MCQ's and re-read those flash cards. Even downloaded the becker app on the Ipad and had the wife quiz me whenever we drove somewhere.

    AUD - 92
    BEC - 79
    REG - August
    FAR - TBD


    Overall I'd say FAR simply due to the amount of information you're expected to retain. However, bang for its buck it has to be BEC for me. For how small the book is I found it incredibly difficult on my first go through the material and still didn't feel that confident after my cram review. More specifically I found IT and cost accounting to be annoying and difficult to fully grasp. Finance was middle of the road and I found corporate governance and economics to be easy (I was an econ minor). The unrelated nature to the topics also made it difficult. Overall, don't underestimate this section, it may have the least material but is every bit as difficult as the rest.

    I passed simply by following my rigorous study routine. I did both Rogers regular course and his cram course plus I answered every question in Rogers and Becker until I had 100% correct. I just made sure to be over-prepared for each section and it worked for me. However, as you can see below I got my lowest score by far on BEC!


    My scores show but REG. I have no idea how I passed, maybe the CPA gods were kind and gave me those extra points.

    But overall, it was always studying until the subject clicked. For subjects that I knew I'd struggled more, I took my time with the multiple choice questions.

    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved - Helen Keller


    BEC 80 (10/23/15)
    FAR 72 (4/2/15); 83 (7/11/16)
    REG 52 (4/28/15)
    AUD (9/9/16)

    Roger + NINJA MCQ + WTB


    For me it probably REG just because there so many little things you have to know. Honestly though the exams were way easier than I was lead to believe. Anyone can pass these exams they just need to know what study method is most affective. For me I hate note taking and reading so I didn't do those things. I only did lecture videos and new MCQs.

    One things that annoys me is when I hear people say you need to get through all the MCQ questions. If you understand the material you don't need to do all the questions. Look at the threads on comparing trending/average with actual scores. If you can get to a true trending/average (new questions only so duplicates don't inflate your numbers) score of 70%+ you are “pass ready”. My goal for each exam was to get every section at least over 65%. Once I got to that point my studying pretty much stopped. I did 30 to 60 MCQs a day till the exam.


    REG. Hate tax and hated studying it. So much small details and it didn't help it was the only section Gleim beefed it up to CPA tax God difficulty. Many times I thought of ditching it but stuck through the beatings until the end. On the real exam got massacred by Blaw on MCQ and DRS/enhanced sims.

    Passed it on my first try by going through of all of Wiley videos and MCQ after each video and doing all of Gleim MCQ, most on Ninja MCQ and pounded the tax sims on Gleim to death.

    shawn in VA

    I have not taken FAR yet (taken the other 3) but they are ALL difficult. I work in tax and found REG semi challenging.


    REG was definitely the hardest for me, I have no tax experience, and the material just doesn't click as compared to the other sections


    Regulation – without a doubt. Mounds of material/crap that doesn't make sense. Additionally, the examiners throw in Sims from left field that only someone who has done taxes for a year or 2 would know how to solve. REG is a Beast among Beasts.

    Hoping for a pass next go-round, so I can be finished.

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