What to Do While waiting on Q2 Scores - Page 2

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  • #1519645

    As most of you know, the Q2 results will be available in August due to the new exam release. I only have one section left (REG) which I plan on doing toward the end of May. My issue is, I will be in “limbo” until August with no idea of potentially passing or failing. What do you plan on doing in the interim while waiting on results? Any advice or discussion will be greatly appreciated šŸ™‚

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  • #1520007

    @IMSgaels319 it might be possible but I bet they fill up quick after the score release if they aren't already full by then. I say try and if not and you fail in Q4 (let's hope you don't) ask for a credit extension due to losing a window.


    @IMSgaels319 I am in the same situation. My FAR credit expires in December as well so I think I will continue studying lightly until the score release so in the event I need to take it, I should be able to fairly quickly. They seriously did not think it through/ considered us by taking so long for scoring. Hopefully our expiring credits are extended to reflect this. Let's try our best to pass it in one try so we do nto have to worry about it!


    “I'm gonna party like a rock star, hit a bunch of strip bars, wake up naked in a hotel room. Throw my TV out the window, smoke a bunch of endo, anything to get my mind off of you (CPA EXAM)”…that song keeps going through my head every time I think of the break šŸ™‚

    I read that they aren't releasing the Q3 results until 9/22. If that's the case, the 7/1 testers will have a long waiting period too.


    @industryCPA thanks for the insight. I am not too familiar with all the test rules, but ive never heard of this type of extension. Have you ever heard of something of this nature?

    @kendallram i think will continue heavy studying after the exam, with the exception of a 2-3 week break directly after the exam. I know i sound like a hard-o but i fooled around for too long with this test, and thats why my backs up against the wall now. I feel like finding out i failed and only having 2 (or maybe less) weeks to prepare for a retest wouldnt be sufficient. Rather be over prepared than under prepared. I agree though, lets do this in one shot!


    @IMSgaels319 You make a lot of sense. I think I may adapt that approach as well. Better safe than sorry for sure!

    That is an awesome quote! Haha


    @RyonT I was just at Miguel's this weekend! I have been procrastinating starting AUD because I want to go down the next few weekends haha


    Curious if anybody is in the same boat as me. AUD is my last test that I'm taking on 4/4. After that, I'm completely stuck on what to do as I'm currently unemployed. Is anybody here considering taking a Macc or MST for networking opportunities while waiting for their scores to release?


    A response I just received from NASBA (Michigan):

    The Michigan Board of Accountancy has already approved an additional window for credit earned for any candidate who is unable to re-apply for failed examination parts within the 2nd window due to the delay of scores releasing within the 3rd window.


    I know I will go crazy waiting on my scores so I won't even attempt to even do another exam until at least July.


    Hello Everyone,

    Now that the testing window is closed, who else completed there last section (hopefully)? I am getting used to life without studying and for some reason it is kinda weird not coming home every day to get those studies in, but definitely relieved! Are any of you going to start back studying as we get closer to August just in case we do not get the pass? I don't really don't know what to do and August score release seems very far off!

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