What is your program? You've already done the studying equivalent of sailing 'round the horn of Africa. You have one win under your belt. Focus on the win. It's better to have 1 thing 100% than 4 things at 95%.
What exam are you focusing on? I'd say focus on one and master it ( I know what you're thinking Icecream 😀 ).
Here are some things that work for me:
– Study in AM. Whatever the AM ritual is – torch it – AM ritual is now coffee/light breakfast/study. No internet. Protein for breakfast will enhance focus.
– Work in 48/12 minute cadence. Proven time sequence to give your mind sprint and wind breaks. Study 48 minutes non-stop. 12 minute chill break.
– White noise – helps eliminate disruptions. I use a white noise app (“bedtime fan”) with Bose noise cancelling headphones. Hearing water drop is more interesting than this stuff sometimes so don't allow yourself to hear it.
– Talk to your doctor – there may be ways to temporarily improve focus without becoming a lifetime dependent on something.
– Reward yourself. Set a goal to improve your scores by x amount by y date. When you make that goal – get the reward.
– Have an accountability partner – someone who you can disclose plans to and talk through challenges – ideally a successful cpa!