What should I do now..

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  • #2233731

    Just found out I got a 74 on my AUD retake.. really disappointed. I have only passed REG and that will expire in December. Anyone have any advice? I’m thinking about taking AUD again in April, the taking BEC in June, and hopefully focus on FAR for the rest of the year. Is it doable? I hate that I have to wait until April to take AUD again due to the testing window.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated

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  • #2233740

    I'd suggest you start working on FAR right away. Based on your other scores, FAR has the very real potential to cause your REG to expire.
    Best to give FAR as many chances as you can between now and December.


    I'd start over with AUD. You were close and only need to bridge a small gap, better to do it soon with the info fresh in your mind. Seat ASAP in April. Bec shouldn't take too long, I did it in 4 weeks while working FT. FAR will be the beast, around 8 weeks and very gritty. Try to supplement with AUD to get exposure to a different teaching style or MCQ bank. Get Ninja if you don't have it. You can finish in time, just bank on 20-25 hrs a week of study. No slacking, no partying. Just you and the books.

    Using Becker self-study
    FAR: (82) 175 hours - 1st attempt
    BEC: (XX)
    AUD: (69) 45hrs of study - 1st attempt
    REG: (XX)


    Reflect on AUD test to learn from your experience and re-take at the end. Start FAR immediately.

    CPA Hunter

    I agree with Recked. However, I will add something to it. So now you have march to review AUD. 4 weeks is too long to review AUD since you were so close. Try now to focus on FAR until the last 2 weeks of March and then go back to AUD. Take AUD beginning of April and hopefully you will pass. The go back to FAR and try to take it in June. If you do not pass, you can retake it along side with BEC in the Sept. If you do not pass, you have a chance to take them both until Dec. FAR is the one that will make your life harder, not BEC.


    I would suggest retaking AUD in the beginning of next quarter. You are too close to not close this out. Begin studying FAR now, and review AUD. Take AUD in beg April and then focus full time on FAR. I feel like that's the best way to approach in my opinion.


    You can see from my Signature that i'm also in the “dreaded 74” club. I re-took in Jan after getting results in December- this is the best course of action for you! First of all don't be down on yourself, statistically speaking you passed the exam, you are one MCQ question away from passing, you know the material, don't get dishearted!

    I agree with “CPA Hunter” above, start FAR, then take two-three weeks to look at AUD with fresh eyes- just smash MCQs and sims and supplement other sources than you used before. Then back to FAR!

    FAR is the beast, get that done and it's easy street afterwards. BEC is nothing compared to FAR, taking FAR first will give you an extra window to attempt it if you fail, this is the best course of action.


    I think your original plan sounds good. Take AUD in April and BEC in June. Get the easy ones out of the way and boost your confidence. Then you have two attempts for FAR in September and December before your REG expires. It's all or nothing.

    AUD - 65, 72, 70, 74, 81
    FAR - 66, 71, 76
    REG - 69
    BEC - 80


    I failed AUD, then passed all 4 within 5 months of each other. I also failed AUD with a 74, but I had already immediately started studying FAR and was weeks into it by the time I got my AUD score so it was natural to take FAR first. I only gave myself 3 weeks to study for my AUD retake. I figured that since I was so close it was silly to think I needed to study from scratch. I barely passed. Then studied for BEC 5 weeks and REG 7 weeks.

    FAR 04/11/2016 - 84
    AUD 05/12/2016 - 79
    BEC 07/06/2016 - 81
    REG 08/29/2016

    Hank Scorpio

    AUD and FAR have some overlap. I'd go back to AUD since you have a good grasp of most of the material. Build on that and sit early next quarter. Then move onto FAR and sit near the end of the quarter. FAR is a beast so take your time. You could flip that order and to FAR first but I'd go with AUD next.

    FAR - 10/3/16
    BEC - 69 - 10/31/16
    AUD - November 2016
    REG - December 2016

    Jimmy Dugan

    I second everyone that said start FAR as soon as you can. I just took it today after having lost my FAR score a few months ago. I figured since I had already passed it one time that I'd study for a month and be good to sit… and that was a mistake, LOL! I may or may not have passed, but it will be close and that's going back into it after already having passed one time pretty comfortably. If I were you and looking at the material completely fresh the first time, I'd give it a good two months of study. If you wait until April after you've retaken AUD, that puts you not sitting for FAR until June at the earliest.

    At least start reviewing the FAR material now and keep hitting MCQ and sims for AUD. Doing that and reviewing your incorrect answers should be all the prep you need for AUD to sit again. Good luck!


    Do FAR now! AUD will feel like a breeze after FAR because of the overlap. Sure you were close with a 74, but A fail is a fail no matter the score. FAR->AUD->BEC. Goodluck!

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