What counts as work experience?

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  • #2859150
    Captain Awesome

    I’m curious, once I pass all the exams, what is considered work experience that needs to be signed off? I’ve been working as an accountant for four years, but I wouldn’t consider what I do ‘higher level’.

    I’m worried my employer wouldn’t sign off immediately and instead keep me at bay so I don’t immediately leave after getting licensed.

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  • #2859297

    you should check directly with your State Board for experience requirement. Here is a link to Michigan's experience, and Michigan was one of the last state's to adopt “working under a CPA” instead of “working directly for a CPA firm”.



    I also recommend you check with your state.
    NY used to require substantial audit work, either auditing or preparing financials using GAAP.
    There was a 2000 audit hour requirement actually.
    Now they allow lots of other experience to count, including tax, governmental, etc.

    There is a chance your employer will attempt to play hardball. Hopefully not though.
    If they pay you fairly and you receive a raise for being licensed, that might help to keep you there.
    You can also drop comments about how much you love your job, and the company and working there, etc.
    Whatever it takes to alleviate their fears or concerns. Long game my friend. Strategy if your friend.

    Captain Awesome

    Update: I passed REG which was my last exam! I reviewed the necessary forms from my state and got in contact with my controller. Honestly I was only giving myself credit for about half of the required 1800 hours for Colorado, but she believes I have completed all hours! So now I have another question, specific to Colorado:

    How do I go about completing the ethics exam? I have been to the AICPA store website and it appears there are three versions of the exam, and one is labeled “for licensure”. I imagine once I purchase it's all self study, but I want to make sure as this is so different than the other exams.

    Captain Awesome

    I did some searching and found a website that gave the details I was looking for in case anyone else needs.

    CPA Ethics Exam Colorado

    They specifically warn about which online version to purchase for licensure.


    Read through this on COCPAs website https://www.cocpa.org/learning/ethics/

    The online for license is the version you want From the AICPA store. https://www.aicpastore.com/AuditAttest/EnhancingAuditQuality/Independence/professional-ethics–the-american-institute-of-cer/PRDOVR~PC-732302/PC-732302.jsp

    I watched the videos and answered the chapter questions. The exam is open book so download the pdf and you can search it while testing. Exam is not time limited. It is not an easy exam so prepare.

    After licensing you will have to do a Colorado Rules and Regs course. For license you will be asked if you have read them.

    You apply through NASBA and after they review it has to go to CO Board for approval. Meeting schedule is posted on the website here: https://dpo.colorado.gov/Accountancy

    Good luck!

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    Read through this on COCPAs website https://www.cocpa.org/learning/ethics/

    The online for license is the version you want From the AICPA store. https://www.aicpastore.com/AuditAttest/EnhancingAuditQuality/Independence/professional-ethics–the-american-institute-of-cer/PRDOVR~PC-732302/PC-732302.jsp

    I watched the videos and answered the chapter questions. The exam is open book so download the pdf and you can search it while testing. Exam is not time limited. It is not an easy exam so prepare.

    After licensing you will have to do a Colorado Rules and Regs course. For license you will be asked if you have read them.

    You apply through NASBA and after they review it has to go to CO Board for approval. Meeting schedule is posted on the website here: https://dpo.colorado.gov/Accountancy

    Good luck!

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different

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