Water at Prometric Center? - Page 2

  • Creator
  • #1665106

    I know they don’t allow you to bring in any water, but is there any chance they provide water during the test? I don’t have anything like a legitimate medical condition, I am just in the habit of sipping water all day long and always have some with me, otherwise my throat gets irritated… It’s just a really long time.

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  • Author
  • #1688611

    These restrictions don't even make sense because you're only allowed a break in between testlets. It's not like you can leave the test open and go look up an answer. Otherwise there would probably be a lot of review books accidentally misplaced in Prometric bathroom stalls. 😛


    Being able to go into your locker is relatively new. Before they put a break into the exam, you were not allowed to go into your locker until you finished your exam.

    The last exam I took I brought my own bottle of water (which I normally don't do). Good thing I did because the Prometric ran out of the water in the cooler.

    BEC -69, 69
    REG -77 (expired), 79
    FAR - ?
    AUD - 65, 67


    hecubus330 not sure who told you that but I took exams in 2010-2011 and you could always go into your locker between testlets but couldn't access study materials.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager

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