Wait to get a review course???

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  • #1592774

    I just mailed my Application Remittance Form to the Board of Accountancy last week. I know that I meet the criteria to sit for the exam for California but probably won’t get the confirmation back any time soon (I understand they can be pretty slow at responding). I’m eager to begin this grueling process and would like to be prepared to sit for my first exam as soon as I get the okay to do so but don’t want to spend the money on a review course if it doesn’t make sense to do so quite yet. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

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  • #1593026

    Do you know what review course you'd like to get? If not, I'd spend a little time testing them out. Most review courses give free 2 week trials.

    Figure out which exam you're going to tackle first. Then once you've picked your review course, I'd start studying. Once you approved, you can apply for your NTS and get your exam scheduled and take it.


    My advice follows in line with the above.
    Wiley and Roger both offer 2 week trials, Gleim offers Unit 1 as a sample.
    I am not sure about your state, but if you have a 4-6 month wait then it doesn't make sense to start studying now.
    I was told you should begin 8 weeks before the exam date, the longer you stretch the studying the more likely you are to forget information from the beginning.
    If you finish your course in 8 weeks, and then wait another 8 weeks for approval from your board, and then another 2-4 weeks for NASBA approval and the NTS, then you may or may not be boxed on with Prometric depending on how busy they are and how close you are to the end of a test window.
    That's way too many variables for my comfort zone. You could end up rehashing the material for a month or 2, just churning MCQ's and SIMs waiting for your test date, getting completely burnt out.

    Remove some variables/hurdles and get a solid time line to establish your game plan.

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