I took FAR Q4 2017 and finished with about 10 minutes to go. My last SIM was a doozie so I took extra time looking up stuff in the AL. I felt the most pressed for time during FAR. For BEC in Q1 2018 I finished with maybe 5 minutes left, but I got to the written section with an hour to go. I took my time and made sure there were no grammatical errors and all my responses were coherent. I took REG yesterday and finished with an hour to go. My last set of SIMs were things I was much more prepared for than my 2nd set (which had 2 SIMs that kind of came out of left field,) so I really didn't need to go back and scrutinize everything for that final set. I wish I could've gone back to my 2nd set of SIMs and looked those over, but it was obviously too late.
It's just freaking me out now that I finished so early. I felt more prepared for REG than either FAR or BEC. I absolutely blew through the first set of MCQ's in like 20 minutes, but I think I got a really easy first set. The second set of MCQ's were much harder, but they only took me like 45-50 minutes. Not a lot of my MCQ's had math involved, so maybe that was why it didn't take as long. Also, the first SIM I got was the research question and it was a very specific topic that I found in the AL right away. So barely after an hour I was done all the MCQ's and 1 SIM.
Sorry for the long post, but I am still processing my experience from yesterday in my head and it was bothering me a little bit that I was done so early compared to the rest of my tests. It's just quite a coincidence that Jeff posted a video about finishing early the same day as I took the only test I finished early.