Upset about the 18-month rule? - Page 3

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    Missy, can you point me in the direction of the information showing every (or a large sample size) candidates demographics, family situation, years out of college and what tests they passed and when they gave up? I dont see where this information is available on the world wide web. And to Hoosiers point, do you think your wife could have studied while she was in labor? I somehow doubt it. Thats where the OP gets the discrimination against women idea from. Shawn, I agree that results should be pretty much instant. But I disagree with you on the same part in same window thing. Someone that has the financial ability could take the same test 4 times in a month and have a far higher chance to pass than someone that takes it once a quarter because thats all that they can afford.


    The AICPA has to have something in place to weed out people. Between just the test material and the 18 month rule I believe they adequately do that.

    To me the purpose of the 18 month rule is to ensure the data you are testing on is still relevant. Is 24 months stale? I don't know. I assume they did some kind of study or survey internally to agree on 18 months being the sweet spot.

    In the end, it is what it is. You want to be a CPA you have to play by their rules. About 50% of test takes pass the exams under the current process. Seems about right to me.

    I was 36 when I took the exam, wife and two kids also while working overseas back and forth from Africa.

    First go at the CPA! Only using Becker
    Reg / Nov 2015 - 87
    Far / Apr 2016 - 79
    Bec / May 2016 - 80
    Aud / Aug 2016


    Never said by every life circumstance lol. I said you can't state the exam discriminates against women without showing women have a lower pass rate than men, which is right here their pass rate is 5% lower.

    To be discrimination against WOMEN has to discriminate against all women. Not just women in labor, or women with 14 kids. All women.

    And while I find it adorable a bunch of guys claim the exam was unfair to me as a mommy, I don't see it that way. The exam sucked. Would have sucked before I had 2 kids, would have sucked if both of my kids were fully grown. Would have sucked if I took one section every 2 years with no worries of expiration. Would have sucked while I was in labor, would have sucked (and did) on my sons High School graduation day. Single mom, 2 kids, full time job and grad school while passing the exams in 11 months. I may have been lucky but I had absolutely no “time” and refuse to believe that more or less time would have been my biggest issue.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Congrats Missy. But none of that changes the fact that certain demographics are more disadvantaged by the current set up. If women have a lower pass rate by 5% (which is pretty significant), then is it fair to say that the rules are discriminatory towards women? Surely you arent suggesting that women are less intelligent/knowledgeable/capable of passing as men are. Perhaps the petition should be changed to say that it is discriminatory against women that wish to start a family or currently have a family? Either way, I am still not signing the petition.

    Trele6, I agree. There has to be some way of weeding people out. And I too think the 50% pass rate is right where it should be.


    yeah circumstances are all different. I agree, if my wife was in labor she obviously wouldn't be able to study but if she was taking these exams she would have planned the test around it. No different then if I had a demanding job and was out of the country for a couple weeks. Does it discriminate against those people as well? No I would just make sure I didn't plan an exam during those 2 weeks or I would find a new job that didn't take so much of my time.

    FAR - 78
    REG - 72,74,71...please just go away REG nobody likes you!
    BEC - 82
    AUD - Aug 16


    OK clearly there's a lack of fundamental understanding here of what the word discrimination actually means. So with that I'll excuse my poor discriminated female self from this thread.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager

    shawn in VA

    As a man I would be OK giving men 24 months to pass and women 30 months to pass. I say this b/c if a woman gives labor you can easily forget the last month of pregnancy studying and the next few months are going to be allocated taking care of a new born which is NOT easy. I have 2 kids. There is a a such thing called breast feeding and the woman has to be near the baby and just can't dissapear for extended periods of time for purposes of this stupid certificate that most probably want b/c their job requires it. I doubt many people would go through this nonsense of studying if it was not required of their job and to move up


    This thread is cracking me up.. Please @dramaninja, have mercy.

    B - 88 (2/16)
    A - 84 (4/16)
    R - 73 (6/16), 82(7/16)
    F - 67 (1/16), 84(4/16)

    Ethics - 93

    Roger course & Ninja MCQ - HiYa!


    lol This thread is helping me get through the day! Been hard getting traction after a long weekend.

    FAR - 78
    REG - 72,74,71...please just go away REG nobody likes you!
    BEC - 82
    AUD - Aug 16


    @shawn in VA

    so just because a women is capable of giving birth that entitles all women to have an extra 6 months to complete the exam.

    some of you guys are too much


    Yeah, @kdawg22! We need those extra 6 months so we can keep pushing out babies. And those sandwiches aren't going to make themselves.


    I find this thread incredibly great and hilarious. I feel like, for the most part, all of us on this forum find a common agreement that the CPA exam process sucks and it isn't easy. But this whole gender thing takes it to another level. I, being a female myself, would personally find it insulting if the AICPA extended the 18-month rule for women more than men. I don't know where so many people get off that because we are female we need special accommodations for this exam. This is a standardized exam that we are willingly subjecting ourselves to. It is not something forced upon us and if your window of time is running out because you're having children and don't have time to study, take the exam at a different time in your life or find the time to study anyway. I have seen plenty of people on here who have been pregnant, had children (even twins), and taking care of them while studying for the exam. Motherhood is something that takes extra time out of our lives but we shouldn't get special treatment for that because men and childless women have obligations that take up just as much time, as well. Extra time for women is not equality, it is preferential treatment and that pisses me off. I don't want to be thought of any differently just because I am a female.


    I can clearly see some people with full of inferiority complex especially when someone quoted MY quote. I never meant it, but someone is becoming very pathetic.


    24 months is fair. I'd actually think it would be bad to make it longer than that because 25+ months really is dragging it out and there's too much new little stuff (like troubled debt restructuring on FAR) that gets added onto the exams that you can miss out on. And, you start forgetting stuff. If someone can't pass within 24 months, it's because they probably were not able to commit due to work or family or life in general, so they need to get that stuff taken care of before they commit to that 2-year plan. Let's say you get sick with something like mono which takes the wind out of you for at least 3 months. I had it in 2009 and I was actually sidelined for like 9 months, no kidding. I had the mono and then kept getting sick with other stuff after that, as my immune system was sh*t. I was going to go back to school to start studying accounting that year but had to push it out to 2010 because I was sick almost all of 2009. If I'd been a CPA candidate with a pass or two under my belt, I'd have probably had to kiss those scores goodbye on the 18 month rule.

    The 30 month rule for women is hilarious. But, I still think 24 months is fair.

    I'm sure I am one of the aforementioned “2 most negative posters” and I know who the second one is too (or, 99.5% sure.) haha Which is fine. Not everybody can be Pollyanna.
    Negative statements, or statements that appear to be negative, are often very practical. There's a difference. Actually, I find a lot of negativity on here too. It comes from people
    who constantly say “What's wrong with everyone who isn't passing? Either you're stupid or you just don't put the time in or don't care about it enough to pass” or any number of sundry comments with no basis for criticism. On another note, a tad more personal, I'll be resuming my studies this month, despite the fact that I'm in a new and very stressful job. And the reason is exactly what I mentioned in my first sentence – that dragging it out forever is not a good idea.


    Anyone just read about the 2018 format!!!! Im freaking out here right now. Wouldn't it be nice if the 18 month rule can be extended. 🙂

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