Took AUD yesterday!

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  • #1723432

    the mcqs were a snap! Much like everyone on here has said…but the sims were not terribly hard just weird, if that makes sense? I didn’t really have trouble with them until the last testlet, but I did get the research question so I hope I went up the 2 points I needed to pass! I had 2 letters and it was one of those that I thought was a little off. I really don’t want to wait until the 20th for my score because I am going to Vegas next week and it would have been nice to be celebrating a pass LOL. I feel pretty good about it, just not that last testlet. But we all know you can’t tell by how you felt you did!

    Anybody else take it yesterday or in the last few days?

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  • #1723456

    I didn’t take it but I noticed that you went from Wiley CPAexcel to Ninja assault on your retakes. Did wiley not adequately prepare you?

    I’ve been studying with Wiley excel platinum for the past two months and plan to take the FAR in April. That’s why I asked.


    I got 73 with Wiley – I wouldn't say it didn't prepare me maybe I didn't prepare well enough, but I read all the reviews and figured it couldn't hurt to try Ninja to push me over to a passing score. I used both this time. Gave me a broader range of Sims and mcqs for sure, and I love the professor in the videos better in Ninja. He is awesome, and I'm so happy to see he's in the videos for FAR too!


    @TerriSilva- What do you mean “you had 2 letters”? (In original post)


    I don't know if I can say – maybe even that was too much. sorry. don't want to violate any rules!



    Awesome!! Thanks for the feedback. I’m seriously considering purchasing a ninja review this month as additional prep for the FAR. Good luck on passing AUD. I’m taking that in May.


    Thank you! Good luck to you as well! I just purchased FAR this morning, and I take it in May. 14th. Here's to us both passing!



    WileyCPA will prepare you for FAR because I purchased the platinum version and I took FAR on 03/02. Make sure you focus on NFP and governmental accounting, financial statements i.e. SCF, CI, IS, BS, and consolidations. I was well prepared, but I think I tried to learn about too many topics so I had diminishing returns. The professor for FAR was awesome and her shortcuts will help you. She also gives tips about what the exam might cover. She was correct on some topics because the SIMs were not difficult, but the AICPA threw some curve balls. There is only so much you can prepare for. I don't think I passed it, but I am moving on to AUD tomorrow.

    I wouldn't recommend WileyCPA to anyone else because of all the software issues and errors that I found in the answers. Also, the customer service reps told me it was my internet connection or computer and then weeks later Wiley issued a software update.

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