Tips for studying when working full time? - Page 2

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  • #1620604

    So I finished almost halfway through Gleim AUD (till chapter 9 for a total of 20 chapters). But today I started working and I felt a change is coming to my study plan. Today there isn’t much to do but I can’t say the same for next week. Besides the past week I’ve been moving in so a lot of my time and energy have been spared. I started chapter 9 a week ago and took 5 days to complete all subunits now I’ve started to forget some chapters so I may have to restart this chapter.

    I’d like to ask what tips do you have for full time people studying CPA? I hate extending my CPA review from one month into couple months long (I also plan to study REG and BEC after AUD but I don’t want to forget AUD, I need to keep all 3 CPA exam materials fresh off my head so I can take all 3 some time in Spring—can’t explain here but due to some special circumstances I face). I work 8:30 to 5 everyday (2 hours of noon/nap time). Thanks.

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  • #1621760

    Not sure if you are a morning person or not but…best to study AM and “get it out the way”…that way your mind is fresh and work can't be a distraction since you've already done the bulk of studying in the early AM. So if you start at 830, maybe come in at work at 730 and just study for an hour. Take study 1 Hr lunch breaks …and do one more hour right after work 5-6pm before going home (if you can afford to do so).

    3 hrs a day per workday should give you a good start. Weekends, you can do 2.5 hrs in AM / reward yourself with a break / then 2.5 hrs PM

    It all sounds like a lot but the key is not to “sit for hours on end” since your brain can only handle so much info. I tried studying “6 Hr stretches” in the past but what I realize as I got older is we just can't do that anymore and expect to be really good at studying by simply camping in a library. My advice, schedule your studying around your life but deliberately (meaning if you schedule 730-830am, you do it no exceptions)…vs “eh I'll just studying 4 hrs from 8-12am” then you'll be too tired for both work the next day and retain any of the studying.

    Just my two cents from a guy whose failed many many times and finally passed the hurdle last year.

    BEC - 68,70,72,75 5/15
    AUD - 78(expired), 77 8/15
    REG - 29,58,65,77 1/16
    FAR - 56,68,73 - retake October hopefully (last shot)

    Been doing this since 2007 on and off...

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