Thinking about scores 24/7 - Page 2

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    I have so many superstitions when it comes to this exam process. I am trying not to think too much about scores, but it is extremely hard not too. Usually I am able to completely forget about the test after a few days while I take a break between test. This time all I can think about is the sims on FAR and REG that I think I might have bombed. I keep praying that I see 2 miracles (passing scores) on the 28th. I am extremely nervous about this score release. Maybe because of the pressure. I really want to be done with this process. I am completely drained and trying to hold onto the little bit of sanity I do have.

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  • #1840292

    @SBNY2K17 – I wish a bar break was allowed during the exam. I would probably do much better on them if I had a slight buzz.


    I'm not the smartest guy in the world but shouldn't they have been able to have a phased roll out of the delayed scores. I took an exam on April 2 and one on June 8. Are you telling me the June 8th exam only takes 3 weeks to score because of the new software roll out but the April 2 exam takes 13 weeks? If they absolutely had to wait until June to ensure the software is accurate with the scores, they could have released the April scores on June 15, the May scores on June 22, and the June scores on June 29. Something tells me that the AICPA can do better.


    @PDiddy2000 EXACTLY. It makes very little sense and it's so frustrating. Till now I haven't had to wait super long, but I'm taking my next section on July 12, and don't even want to think about waiting 2 months for that score. Why?!


    I'm waiting (nervously) on FAR…took it May 25th and I'm trying to study for my REG retake but I keep wondering if I should start reviewing FAR again just in case! ARGH! I can't say how I did on the MCQs, they were ok I guess but I know of a couple I definitely missed that I should have gotten right. Add that to the fact I accidentally skipped a whole TBS in the 3rd testlet because I did so well on the first TBS that I forgot there was one more and I hit submit. I was just trying to move on and when the window popped up to ask if I was sure I wanted to submit, I hit yes instead of no! That's what I get for not paying attention. I hope it doesn't hurt me too much – I'm pretty sure I found the research question and did 3 of the TBS really well. The other 3…it's a toss up. I hate this.


    @TerriSilva- now that you mentioned it, I was trying to recall all of the sims i did, i dont remember if i did all of them or i skipped one as well. Hopfully I didn't. this score release is a drag


    Anyone else hate the notification you get for signing in to check if maybe your score slipped through and then you go to your email and see it say that you logged in 15 times and theres still a week to go haha


    @CPATang I totally didn't mean to do it though…I don't know what it was or if I would have done well on it or not. UGH! Dumb thing to do 🙁


    @TerriSilva – I had to skip a SIM for FAR because I took too long on my MCQs. It was on my 4th testlet so I made an executive decision to skip it not knowing what the next testlet would look like. Thank goodness I skipped it because I still finished with only 2 minutes left on the exam. I'm just hoping that the one I skipped was a pretest. 🙂


    @mskcle LOL!!! The other awful part about it is when you see the email from “nasba” and think that it's them telling you your score is ready (insert facepalm)


    @PDIDDY2000. Did the system give you a warning that you missed one question.


    @PDiddy2000 I wish that I could have at least seen it, though…pretty sure the 2nd sim on the exam wouldn't be pretest but who knows. Did the one you skipped seem crazy like it was probably pretest? How did you feel on the mcqs? I couldn't call it either way, while with AUD I KNEW I nailed the mcqs and that I probably passed. But I'm confident with 3 of the TBS and the research and I still have no idea what will happen. There were 2 sims I thought were candidates to be the pretest one.


    @TerriSilva Even though I took a long time with the MCQs on FAR, I feel ok about them. The SIM that I skipped on FAR was an overly complicated DRS. I read that thing 5 times, looked at all the documents that were attached then looked at the timer and decided to move on. In hindsight, I should have put zeros on everything but it was my first exam and I don't even think about that trick. I feel like I did ok on the SIMs on AUD but have no idea about the MCQs. There were so many MCQs on AUD that had two very similar answers that I really don't know. I finished AUD with about 50 minutes left on the clock. BEC was my hail mary. I crammed for about 3 weeks. I know that the MCQs will be my downfall if I fail it. There were way too many calculations that I wasn't expecting right out of the gate. Awesome way to start a 4 hour exam!! 🙂


    Even my mom is having dreams about my results. She said she's had dreams I called and told her I passed lol. Hopefully this is her seeing the future for 6/28/18. I am so scared to look at these scores. I am anxious cause I really want to be done and finally be able to enjoy a summer. My FAR exam really didn't feel terrible, and that kinda scares me. I keep thinking that the questions I felt were easy might've had some tricks in them that I didn't catch. Same thing with REG. I had about 4 Sims that seemed almost too easy on REG, but I keep thinking there was more to look out for than what I did. Praying for passing scores on REG and FAR come June 28th!!!!! AICPA please hear my cry!!!!!


    Took my first two exams (FAR 4/25 and AUD 6/9) and I am pretty nervous at this point. I took a two week break and planning on starting REG on Monday but I feel nervous about the score release so don't even want to start studying. Just anxious for the my first score release


    We are all in the same boat. Just here waiting on REG and AUD scores. This wait is stressing probably more because if I finish these two (2) I will be done.

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