The Retake Scramble

  • Creator
  • #1681879

    Hey everyone,
    I’m sure there’s a lot of people right now scrambling to schedule a retake for their failed attempt. I just bombed FAR and so I find myself in a tough spot deciding whether to schedule that retake. Looking for some advice on what to do.

    Some facts to consider:
    – I already have my AUD retake shceduled for Jan 2 (been studying for a few weeks now)
    – I work in public accounting with busy season looming (early Jan is my only available time to sit)

    Here’s my concerns:
    1. Retaking FAR in 2 weeks is a big gamble considering my low score.
    2. The cost involved in paying for another exam plus the cost to postpone AUD (it will make things tight for the holidays)
    3. FAR is still fresh in my mind, while my last AUD attempt was over the summer

    Any feedback would be great, thanks!

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  • Author
  • #1681933

    I think the question is when does your REG credit expire and what was your FAR score? I'm in tax and my busy season is end of January to April 15th. I would guess you are doing BEC in May? If REG expires in 9 months I would consider doing it but I would focus on AUD and cram FAR after that.


    @ixlr82day My REG will expire in July, I scored a 50 on FAR. So the gameplan would be to do FAR now and do both AUD and BEC in Q2, leaving one last month in Q3 for retakes.

    You had quite a jump in scores for FAR. What's your secret?


    I'd say stick with AUD since you've been studying and it's in a couple weeks. Two weeks isn't enough time to build up your FAR score.

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