The day before "The Day."

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  • #1753470

    I take FAR tomorrow at noon mountain time. I spent the past week, last saturday through friday, going over thousands of MCQs and a few SIMs as my final review. I think I may have spent 10-12 hours a day doing questions, writing notes, and going over trouble areas during this past week. I woke up yesterday morning and attempted to do more MCQs but I just couldn’t do anymore. I was literally hungover from MCQs/SIMS so I just watched a few Wiley videos on trouble areas. I’m kind of doing the same thing this morning. I think I may be burned out from FAR. I’ve been studying since January 8. Any last tips or pointers? Thanks

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  • #1753481

    The day before I took FAR, I did light MCQs and skimmed through the textbook. If you have been putting the time and effort like you have been, you should be fine. At this point, you either know this stuff or you don't, so no need to stress about it. Just rest your brain.


    Most people will be of the consensus to not go MCQ crazy on the last day or the day of. If you have really done that many over the course of the last week, I tend to agree with that. You've done enough, so it makes sense you'd feel burned out over that.

    Read over some notes or note cards. Lightly review any trouble areas, as you said. And cut it out early – which I always have a hard time doing. Set a time you'll stop looking at material tonight, and just stop and have a relaxing evening. Good luck!!


    Thanks @Big4

    I'm going to keep it light but definitely stay engaged with the material throughout the day.


    Relax, keep it light (don't tax your brain) and be confident in what you know. We practice so many questions (thousands) for the exam that at times each incorrect one seems like a downfall, but as long as you went through all of your material and understood the concepts, you're straight. I still fall into the trap thinking that I've forgotten topics etc. but come test day after so much practice your mind won't fail you as long you're focused and you don't panic.

    The MCQs tend to be reasonable in my experience in the sense that if you know the concept/topic, you'll be fine. That seems obvious but I mean that I've never seen minute and rare exceptions or overly complicated MCQs. I'm sitting for REG next and so far in the material it seems like it's nothing but details and exceptions but for the other 3, including FAR, it never felt that way.

    If you like to work out getting in a good session will do you good, or just do whatever calms you down. I also second the suggestion of setting a time to stop looking at material and call it a day. If you don't you'll study until the Prometric center. I get caught up for every exam and my wife usually comes by and is like “Really? At this point you know it or you don't”. To be honest, for a couple of tests, I read things for the first time in my very last hour of studying that showed up, but there's a chance with anything.

    Best of luck, you got this


    I think everyone feels burnt out with FAR by the time it is the day before the exam. I took mine in January and used the day before to do some NFP and governmental accounting multiple choice questions and it ended helping a lot because a good chunk of my multiple choice were those types of questions.

    Don't push too hard today. I've found that getting in some light studying the day before has helped me, but other than that I have just tried to relax and get a good night's sleep before the big day. Good luck!!


    I'm taking it tomorrow too. I'm going to look through some SIMs based on the Blue Prints, namely Cash Flows, Receivables, Inventory, PPE, and Leases. Then do multiple choice focusing on Government and NFP. Since they won't be SIMs they'll have to be a good deal of the MCQs in order to reach their % allotment for the test.


    Good Luck To You.


    @AF I've heard at least one person comment on here that they got a government or NFP SIM. Good Luck to you as well.

    Thanks Everyone for all the advice.


    My advice to you is know the easy stuff super well. The most mundane stuff that you would not expect to be on the test – and that includes some “dictionary definition” type MCQs, will likely creep up on you just to make 100% sure that you know it. I think the AICPA's test writers do that on purpose. They think everyone has spent their time burning their brains out on deferred taxes and govt/npo and pensions and all the difficult topics and so they're well-prepared for those…and then they give very little on those and very much on the more basic stuff. If you are going to study at all today, focus on those very basic stupid things that everyone should know absolutely cold.

    I had no SIMs on govt/npo but a whole onslaught of MCQ. At the time I took it, they promised 18-25% on those areas and I definitely got the upper end of that range. But, I did well on those questions, I studied hard on those. I did not learn them in school, so had to learn them entirely from scratch while studying. If i had gotten a SIM, I might've passed. next time though.

    Have a good test! Looks like you really have yourself on a power schedule of doing 1 exam per month….you're probably much smarter than I!



    Interesting point. I've mainly stayed away from the flashcards that I received from my Wiley review course over the last 2 months. I have been going through them more often within the last week, particularly the last few days. I'm looking forward to getting a crap load of govt/npo questions because I got my MAccy with an emphasis on governmental accounting last year plus I already have the CGFM certification. However, Murphy's law says that I'll probably have very little on my exam since I'm overly prepared for those type of questions. Isn't that the way it goes? Good luck to you on REG this month.


    Taking FAR tomorrow too. First exam. I have been studying since January and I am also totally burned out. All day I have been getting up the energy to go over stuff before tomorrow and it is tough. Going to focus on my weak areas and go over my results from the mock exams (Becker). Not sure there is much else to do. Like you all said, at this point I either know it or I don't.
    Good luck to everyone testing tomorrow (and beyond)!


    All the Best!!

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