Test Anxiety

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  • #1593074

    I’m sure many of you experience the same thing I do before exam day – anxiety, nervousness, inability to focus, sweaty palms…

    How do you guys deal with it? I have my exam tomorrow morning and already I’m seeing these nervous jitters. I find it hard to concentrate and understand the questions I am practicing because my brain is trying to go 100 miles per minute, meaning I’m struggling to get through questions I normally breeze through. I also feel like this is a big part of why I have failed prior exams. Most of this is a mental game for me as I feel pretty well prepared for the exam.

    So what kind of testing anxiety do you have and have you found any ways to combat it?

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  • #1593089

    I ALWAYS clean the house the day before an exam. For some reason, it keeps me distracted and busy for a chunk of the day. I also take melatonin before bed because I know I won't sleep much without it. Also, be sure to work on deep breathing, it helps me calm down when I start feeling like I am about to have an anxiety attack. My husband and I also watch a favorite movie of ours and have a yummy (but healthy) dinner usually with a glass of wine. Just do a bunch of little things that make you happy and be sure to remind yourself that you have got this and you will be totally fine. These exams tend to be a huge mind game and so training your brain to calm down is key here! You will do great 🙂

    B 10/29/16
    A 10/1/16
    R 9/2/16
    F 7/26/16


    Here's what I personally think has helped me: The physical effects of anxiety are due to the fight or flight response and release of adrenaline that your body produces when it thinks you're about to be in danger. I've been told your body is preparing to “fight a dragon” and thus the increased heart rate and feel of panic and all that. So basically your body is getting all hyped up, with nowhere to go. Doing brain stimulating studying isn't going to release this adrenaline. However, doing some sort of physical activity will: working out, running, hitting a punching bag, playing sports, etc. This will release endorphins and is your version of “fighting.” So for me, I like to do some sort of physical activity to “fight the dragon.” Also, might sound crazy but letting out a good scream while driving in the car helps me release that energy as well. It sounds weird but try it, guaranteed to make you feel good. Just let it go.

    I find that channeling the nervous energy into positive, hyped up energy helps. I try to make myself excited rather than scared. If you've ever been really excited, you know that sometimes it feels similar to being really nervous. So I pretend I'm super pumped to take the test, get amped up, listen to some exciting music and motivational videos and pace around all excited.

    BEC- August 31


    The other poster gave you some great advice. To piggy back, I'd say what helped me was visualization, being prepared, and doing very little studying the day before. I'd visualize myself doing well and that helped to keep a positive mindset. Besides studying being prepared meant visiting the prometric site as a practice run beforehand, taking their tour, and leaving earlier to get there in plenty of time. If you get as familiar with the process as you can that will make you less anxious. And finally I don't think studying the day before alot helps that much. You get to a point to where you either know it or you don't. I think if you get some R and R the day before and good sleep, that's more beneficial than a last minute cram.

    BEC - 88 8/29/15
    REG - 82 11/14/15
    AUD - 83 1/8/16
    FAR - 80 2/29/16


    Overall: warrior mentality, game day, showtime. You put in the work, you know what you know, you're ready to rock. Get hyped up, blast your favorite songs and sing along and jump around, do some physical movement. Car ride on the way there jam out with the windows down, let out a scream, even give yourself a pep talk in the bathroom mirror beforehand. You should be EXCITED to take this test, not nervous. Channel that energy into positivity and excitement, not negativity and nervousness.

    BEC- August 31


    I would always stop studying by 5pm the day before the exam. I would workout, eat dinner, then do something entirely different before making sure to get a full nights sleep in. Play guitar, go for a bike ride, look at family photos. Never study past 5pm!


    Thanks, everyone! All of this is great advice! I am excited to take the exam, once I get in there, I actually enjoy it as odd as that may seem. I think I'm nervous because I'm scared I will fail since I have before.

    I will definitely do some form of physical exercise. I enjoy cleaning so that may help, plus I am going to take my dogs on a long walk which always reduces stress and helps me out.

    , it's funny you mention the scream thing. I do that already, except the scream is more of a ‘whisper scream' but all the energy gets released just the same haha. I also agree that there isn't much more I can learn in one day, I feel relatively prepared, but I try to keep my mind sharp by doing some questions.

    Currently, I am averaging 71% and trending 91-93 so I feel pretty good. I'm going to rewrite my study notes that I go over in the car before I go into Prometric. I also will leave early so I can enjoy the (2 hour) trip to Prometric.


    100% agree with Accountingbeans. Physical activity is key for me to combat those jitters. Heavy gym workout the day prior to exam, and the morning of if schedule permits it.

    Another thing I do to calm myself down is remind myself that its just a test, it's not like my life is going to be terribly impacted in a negative way if I dont pass this, and I remind myself of the other good things in life. Obviously each case is different, but for me I look at my infant son, my wife, my family, my friends, my current job and remind myself that none of those things will be negatively impacted if I don't pass this 4 hour exam, there's always tomorrow. Helps to calm me down when I get too far in my head.

    Best of luck to you.


    Well I'm going to be sure to take my dogs on a long, heavy walk today and then take a long shower. Both always help relax me and help me sleep better.

    And that's very true, @TommyTheCat. This is just an exam and not something that your life depends on. I know for a fact my family doesn't really care one way or another whether I pass. Sure they want me to succeed, but they don't pay much attention to when I fail. They just tell me to try again, which is nice but always makes me feel guilty for not passing. I am considering this exam part of my requirements for the ‘real world.' I have never worked a day in my life. As soon as I finished high school, I started college where I got my Bachelors in Accounting last year. I just finished my MBA this past week. Now my entire focus is on passing this exam before I begin working, so it's definitely super important and what my life revolves around right now. But I also know I will be okay if I don't pass.


    congratulations on your MBA Summer, that's a great accomplishment. I didn't mean to downplay the exams sorry if I came off that way. Just like you, I stress about them all the time myself, as it's keeping me from making partner at my current firm and I can def relate to the feeling of your life revolving around it. I find myself much calmer once ive put them in perspective, that they are important, and passing will likely be life changing, but that life isn't so terrible right now without it and the sun will always come up tomorrow regardless.

    Kick them exams' arses and good luck during the process. I'd say try and enjoy the process, but we both know it sucks haha

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