Taking first exam in one week. Worried I didn't study efficiently

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  • #1888279

    Hi Everyone,

    I’m one week from taking my first exam (REG). I’m extremely worried that I studied all wrong. I’ll have put in 3 hours every weeknight and about 10 hours every weekend for almost 8 weeks. I know that’s in theory enough hours, but I still feel like the material didn’t fully stick. I think my mistake was not doing enough MCQs and SIMS. I’ve only given myself one week of review. I spent the last 7ish weeks watching videos and taking copious notes, but not doing hardly any MCQs or SIMS. I thought if I got through all the material and understood it while I was watching the videos and taking notes, that when I got to my review week I would have remembered more. But now I’m doing MCQs and SIMS and not doing so great. I still have 8 days until my exam, and my weekend will spent doing nothing but review.
    I guess I’m just looking for some encouragement at this point. I’m feeling very stressed and anxious!

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  • #1888447

    Well…you'll find out soon enough.

    If it were me, I'd try to knock out lots of MCQ before the big day and make sure to take the AICPA sample test multiple times (the SIM portion).

    Try to become familiar with the research function, as it can help with your research question as well as some of the actual SIMS. The “search within” filter can be a life saver.


    MCQ is where it's at, SIMS as well…. I would focus on MCQ until the exam date. And focus on the ones you get wrong…


    Hit those MCQs. My boss mentioned to me recently how back in his day (brick & mortar) the point of the review courses wasn't just to teach you the material, but how to take the exam and approach the questions. Knowing it is one thing, applying it quickly with confidence is another. You have a good amount of time so I recommend heavy MCQ practice, as you'll start to see patterns.

    SIMs are good too, but they take quite a bit of time, and for some reason the less SIMs I practiced, the better I did, might be a coincidence but I devoted that time to MCQs instead. Specifically for REG, I waited 1 or 2 days before to do the SIMs, and they were so long, I think I only did 3 or 4 before deciding the juice wasn't worth the squeeze. I was worried that I would go in unprepared but it worked out, best of luck.

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