Taking Exam Without Accommodations

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  • #2032034

    Hi all,

    I am currently in grad school and will be taking the BEC exam on the 12/4/18.

    I wanted to know if there was anyone who had accommodations in college and have since taken any part of the CPA exam.

    Due to the fact that neuropsych evals have to be recent and are expensive as all get out, I will not be able to get accommodations. This has me pretty worried since it takes me an extended period of time to read things and then transfer things in my head to paper.

    I have been a 3.5gpa student in college and school has generally came easy to me but I feel like I have gotten accustomed to accommodations and I am really nervous that the lack of 1.5x time will make me bomb.

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  • #2032574
    Pork Flavored Bacon

    I found this thread which I hope will be helpful for you:


    It appears the documentation needs to be no more than three years old. I am hoping you might have thought the requirements were much less than that and you actually have some documentation within the last three years.
    Based on what I read, CPA Examination Services is very strict about the documentation required so you need to make sure everything is in order before you submit for accomodations (if you decide to do that).
    I wish everything will work out well for you. Keep us posted about what happens if you are able. I'm sure your experience will help many others.

    FAR - 75 | REG - 87 | AUD - 82 | LAW - 81


    Ya, haven't had one since I was a kid but my college accepted it from back then.

    Pork Flavored Bacon

    Good luck, homey. If you are unable to complete the exam in the allotted time it might be a good idea to get that evaluation so you may be accommodated appropriately. It sounds like it costs a lot but it would be better than the alternative.

    FAR - 75 | REG - 87 | AUD - 82 | LAW - 81


    I passed my first exam (BEC) with an 85 but it honestly felt like a common sense exam for those who have just come out of college and understand how to take tests. I am quite worried for FAR since it is more application and from the posts I have seen a lot of people, who don't use accommodations to begin with, are not finishing all the sims do to time.


    85 on BEC is a solid score.
    Expect similar type questions and timing for FAR. Don't put it on a pedestal.
    If you invest the time you should do fine. I ran out of time on FAR but it was only because I fell into some traps and wasted time.
    If you know it you know it, if not, guess and move on. Leave yourself as much time as possible on the SIMs.
    You got this. Don't get caught in the mental game, just power through.


    I got accommodations in college – double time on exams. I did not apply for accommodations for the CPA exam.

    I passed REG with 88 on my first try, and I finished the exam with 5 minutes left. I had 3 years of work experience in tax before I started studying, so that probably helped. REG is the only section I have taken so far.

    Maybe you can take a full length practice exam in your study software to practice timing and see how long it takes you.


    You guys are stronger and smarter than you think!


    Just took FAR on Friday (8th). I think I did as Recked said and fell into some traps on multiple choice of wasting time trying to deduce the correct answer off of the choices they gave me. I then found myself kind of panicked for time in the sims and blew one bc I remembered a rule slightly wrong. Finished in the last minutes though since I began to rush.

    My accommodation in college was for the fact that it takes me longer than usual to read things, comprehend in my mind what it said (almost like I read it and a lot of times my mind blanks out during part of the sentence), and then also takes me longer to put together what I think about it and put it back out into the world. Feels like I slowly piece together ideas going in and coming out so all the reading of documents for sims was hard for me with a lot of rereading.

    I think if I take it again Ill just have to be sure not to try to deduce as I have in the past for college and just guess when I'm struggling on an MCQ. Give myself more time for the sims.

    Pray for me guys. Just hope the score is at least close and not a depressing 50 or something ridiculous.

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