Taking BEC in a few weeks Somebody help me out!

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  • #2725329

    I just got through the Projection and Forecasting Techniques: Part 2 lecture in Becker and HOLY SMOKES… I have never felt so clueless in my life. MCQ’s were out of this world difficult and it just wrecked any and all confidence that I had going for me. Anyone who has taken BEC, how did the MCQ’s stack up to Becker? Was the actual exam a ton of calculation MCQ’s?

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  • #2726808

    I'm taking BEC next week. I get what you are saying. As you review and do more MCQ, they would feel less difficult eventually. My guess is that BEC covers such a broad range of areas on the exam, it won't focus too much on this one topic. And Becker MCQs are generally harder than actual so dont panic 🙂


    just took it today so I would say definitely know variance analysis well. and COSO, SOX, IT. Honestly, project and forecasting didn't appear so much on my exam. Not even a breakeven question.


    @puppykoala Thanks for the update. Was your exam more calculations, conceptual or a healthy mix? How were the written communication prompts?


    i got a bunch of calculations on the first testlet and the ton of COSO on the second. Written is just w/e its not about technicals more about writing you know.


    How heavily is Econ tested? I haven’t heard much about it being on the test yet there’s a good amount of study materials on it.


    Same here. I had a lot of Coso and It and some Econ questions. Yes, that Econ! I was surprised although aicpa is supposed to test on Econ, I didnt expect to see them that much (more than I expected). Variance analysis is must know topic. First testlet had about 6-8 calculation questions but not calculation heavy Qs. I was so prepared to do calculation heavy quedtions but i did not see many even in my Simulations. I spent too much time on one sim and ended up having only 40mins left for written comm. I only did half of the wc which I regret. I should have saved more time for my wc since I am not good at writing fast. Fingers crossed.

    FAR: 74, 80
    BEC: 70, 68, 2/28/15
    REG: 75 Expired; 72
    AUD: TBD

    "And all things, whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive". Matthew 21:22


    For two w/c questions, I was so running out of time and was so exhausted from Simulations I just rewrote the questions (I literally had no idea what the question was asking..) and put whatever I remember from cost accounting (One intro, one body, and one conclusion, actucally it was a typical closing without nice conclusion…lol). And the 3rd one I didn't write anything at all. Can I still pass even if I messedup my writing? I am only half confident about the Sims and I marked around 15 mcqs.

    FAR: 74, 80
    BEC: 70, 68, 2/28/15
    REG: 75 Expired; 72
    AUD: TBD

    "And all things, whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive". Matthew 21:22

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