Study Journey – Starting Over

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  • #1647581

    Starting from step 1 with the study Journey. Need some motivation to get it done this time so PLEASE HELP! Also, which study items should I use – Becker, Roger, or Ninja Assault? All help is appreciated!!

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  • #1647589

    I use Becker for the book, haven't tried the ninja books. Becker covers the material well though. I don't do the Becker mcq because they're a waste of time in my opinion. I go through the lectures a few times until I went through the book 2 or 3 times then I do ninja mcq (absolute best mcq product) with ninja notes. Good luck!


    Most peeps go with Becker bc firms pay for it – IMO I would not spend $3k on it! Personally I did my research and in the end chose Roger. After completing my first part (BEC) – not being 100% happy with the score ( however passing) I decided to add Ninja notes and MCQ. Using Roger and Ninja for both REG and AUD. Now doing the same with FAR.
    Word of advice – do some research. Only you know what type of study habits you are – I need the lectures and find Roger little corny at times but he simplifies things and explains really well. This method is still cheaper than Becker.

    FYI – After BEC I never read the text or highlighted again! I know Becker is a fan of this. Ninja isn't and promotes rewriting the notes. I tried this only for REG- not sure if it helped but I guess it couldn't have hurt (passed first try, but again barely). My method was watching lectures and taking notes. Thereafter M/C until test date. Reading my notes and Ninja notes on computing and other times when I had the chance but didn't have the opportunity to sit down to do MCs

    I hope this helps! Looking forward to hearing others techniques- as I am struggling with motivation to be over and done with this! <3


    Test drive them all. Figure out what works best for you. I bought Wiley before I was really ready to start studying, and have found that it doesn't really work for me. I primarily use Ninja at this point, and will use Wiley as a backup if I need more clarification.

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo


    I second the test drive them all approach. They all offer sample periods.
    I tried Gleim, Wiley, Roger, and an old Lamber book.
    I was pretty set that I would use Gleim as that what I used for the EA exam, but after stumbling on a lecture by Roger on youtube while researching a topic I was struggling with in Lamber I was hooked. Full disclosure, I also purchased the Gleim test bank because it was 50% off and came with the Gleim books.


    good luck to you hopeful. i started the exam process last september after putting it off and not needing it for the longest time in my first two jobs. now im 34 and needing those three initials to make equity partner and the best advice i can give is to give it more time than you think it needs. dont underestimate it, and while they are expensive go for one of the higher end review courses. for me its roger all the way, very happy and impressed with it and so far have passed the first three exams (REG, BEC, AUD) on first attempts. i find that forking over the cash myself has made me take it that much more serious. My first job (PWC) gave me becker for free and my second job gave me bisk for free and i just found every excuse not to study since it wasnt pot-committed.

    set a study planner/schedule and STICK to it, that's the other best advice I could give from my experience. This isn't an IQ test its a test of discipline says Roger and i totally agree with him after making it 3/4 of the way through.

    Best wishes to you, you got this.


    now im 34 and needing those three initials to make equity partner and the best advice i can give is to give it more time than you think it needs.
    LOL, change that to age to 37 and we're in the same boat


    recked we got this buddy some things are worth the wait. think of all the fun we had in our younger years


    Thanks everyone! I have been at this for a while and in my early…heading toward mid 30s and just need to get it done. I am so disappointed in myself I didn't finish sooner. Good luck to everyone!! Hard work and determination we got this!

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