Struggling w/ REG studying

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  • #199951

    I take Reg 2/29. I am studying the same way as FAR and AUD that I have passed first try. I use the 10-point combo and read the book first while taking a few notes and listening to the audio on my commute then do all the ninja MCQ then do about 300-500 review multiple choice. I also read the ninja notes through at least once.

    This worked for the first two but now 3 weeks out and I am just over halfway through the MCQ and have scores of avg and trending about low-mid 50s. I think I am worried my trending hasnt gone up. I am struggling a lot in tax and doing well in business law and the other small sections. There are so many business law questions that I started mostly doing those until get a lot of them done. I am trying to listen to all tax related audio now. I am just starting to worry because tax isn’t quite clicking. I never really saw tax as a weakness in school but I’ve been worried about taking REG because I really dislike tax.

    It seems like I have a lot more distractions this time (ie. Super bowl). Any ways if anyone has some suggestions on how to change your studying for REG or if I just need to keep pushing through. I am also worried about the SIMS on REG because I thought my sims for FAR were easy.

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  • #757385

    Well, you have the experience, you know it can work, so stop wasting time and get it done. I am fighting the same thing, but I have to make myself do what I don't want to do and that's sit still and get the work done. I stayed at my office late yesterday because I knew if I came home, I would wash dishes, do laundry, talk on the phone, etc. I know I only have so much time to study so I just stayed at the office. Besides the super bowl will be over tonight, so get some study in this morning if you're not going to church and you should have plenty of super bowl time. The other distractions….well, you'll just have to get it done or lose your hard earned money.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass



    I'm taking the exam the same date and it'll be my first time. I'm being extra cautious with this section since tax is my weakest area. I used Roger to learn the material and currently supplementing with Becker for additional questions and the SIMs. My goal is go thru the Becker SIMs maybe twice (or at least the tax portion). SIMs are important IMO because they're similar to a few MCQs bunched into one problem.

    For MCQs, aside from knowing why your answer was right, know why the other choices were wrong. I'm not immune to distractions as I check my phone periodically (bad habit) but what's motivating me is the limited study time on work days. Since you seem to have a good understanding of the nontax portion, focus mostly on tax and sprinkle some nontax problems here and there so you won't forget anything.


    You are not alone, I'm a slow learner and I just re-scheduled for the second time. I started studying back in early December, didn't finish going through the MCQs and all of the reading until Feb 1. Planned to take it on 1/18 then 2/13, now I pushed it back to 2/27 since I'm still not comfortable with the material. I honestly have had a lot of distractions though, took a flight in Jan, and my wife had people over for her birthday, then we had company for my son's birthday. Those are 3 wasted power weekends, plus the holidays didn't really help. Also started a new job back in Sept and I am starting to be utilized more and more as we approach budget season. You know how that goes…excuses, excuses. Best of luck!

    AUD - 1st - 60 (12/12), 61 (2/13), 61 (8/13), 78! (11/15)
    REG - 55 (2/16) 69 (5/16) Retake(8/16)
    BEC - 71(5/16) Retake (9/16)
    FAR - (8/16)

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