Statistics say I passed….but did I?

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  • #1585821

    After analyzing the google doc Jeff posted on the NINJA MCQ trending scores compared to the actual scores on the exam it states that candidates score on average about 10 points higher on actual exam (at least for FAR, which is the only test I am concerned about). I had a 70% trending score going into exam so does this mean I score around an 80% give or take a few points either way due to how I did on the SIMS. Curious to hear everyone’s feedback.

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  • #1585842

    Just from my experience my actual exam score was much closer to my Ninja avg score versus my trending score. Trending score seems to be inflated a bit the closer you get to the review stage.

    REG - 79
    FAR - ?
    AUD - ?
    BEC - ?



    Joking aside, I never scored 10 points higher on the actual exam than my NINJA trending scores.

    CMA - 430
    BEC - 83
    FAR - ?
    AUD -
    REG -


    I think that's what people say about becker practice test at least. That you can add 5-10 points to the practice exam scores to estimate the final for the old exam.

    Not sure if that would still apply to the new exam though …


    In my experience, my actual scores were really close to my Ninja trending scores except for REG which my actual score was 9 points higher. Good luck!

    AUD - 65, 72, 70, 74, 81
    FAR - 66, 71, 76
    REG - 69
    BEC - 80


    My scores have always been about the same as my trending unless my average and trending scores were far apart, in which I usually scored in between. For example, when I passed FAR with an 82, I was averaging 70% and trending 86%. I would suggest trying to get a trending of at the very least 80% before you sit.


    It depends how many questions you did. If you're getting a lot of questions you have seen before you're not going see much of an improvement over your trending score on the exam. I was trending around 68 on REG but I always did new questions only.


    So I haven't used NINJA MC but I CAN tell you that my scores have always been at least 10 points higher from my Becker practice tests. For REG, my practice test was a 58 and I got a 75. So take some comfort in that at least

    BEC- August 31


    I would say on average your scores on CPA are higher than your scores on any study system used. However, feeling over confident can make you overlook questions, key words etc. So be careful with that, but if you took it with a neutral mindset you probably passed.

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