Started my studies – I shouldn't be doing this… - Page 2

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  • #199634
    average joe

    Quick background first. I have been out of school for about 6 years now. I went to a smaller college, my accounting degree there was not as challenging as it should have been. I also took many courses online which is mostly homework based, not test based. Anyway I began studying FAR, gave myself 15 weeks and have now scheduled. I am using Yaeger. I just got done with Module 9 A-C and honestly I am not grasping anything. Maybe small things here and there, but it’s just not clicking. I know my understanding of the true basics just is not strong enough. Phil and Cindy will go into more complex journal entries from them beginning ( not complex – just not basic basic ) and I get confused. I understand the importance of understanding them and if I did understand them I am sure the questions would open up. I will watch 1 video, take solid notes and then do the MCQ’s at the end of the module and may know 1 of 10 questions. This can’t be normal, especially this early on? Does it take a few weeks for things to click and make sense? I hate moving on to the next module without really fully understanding the first one.

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  • #755401


    I think you hit the nail on the head! Mindset is everything. Initially, I started this journey a couple of years ago. Well, I wasn't focused and absolutely dreaded studying which definitely translated in my attempt to make headway; I didn't even sit for one exam. Fast forward to present day and I'm so ready to kick this exam's butt. I realized that I am just as capable (if not more) and intelligent as those who have approached this beast before me…I got this! To add, my educational journey sounds very similar to the OP, but I don't care. Basically, I just thought your words were so profound as mindset is 80% of the battle. BTW, I'm going to give myself and my family a very nice and star studded vacation to a place of their choice.

    I'm tired of operating in fear and mediocrity. It's time to try. It's time to do. It's time to go.


    I was in the same boat – extremely frustrated and not grasping what was going on.. and I went to a very good college and had ten years of actual relevant financial experience.
    After doing the questions repeatedly, delving into the questions and materials.. one day it just clicked. And once it clicked I was golden.
    You can and will do this. Get it out of your mind that you're inferior because of where/how you got your degree. Everyone's path to the CPA is different.. there's no one stop shop that guarantees it. If you put the work and effort into figuring it out you will pass. Just keep hammering away at the questions, and fully understand WHY you're not getting questions correct. This really helps meld it all together.


    i've been out of school since 2001, had to take one year's worth of accounting classes in 2014 to be eligible to sit, started studying in Feb 2015 and now half way there. i wish i passed 3 by now instead of 2, but hoping to finish in Q2 this year. if you want it bad enough you will pass, no matter where you came from or what is going on in your life!!!

    BEC - 75 (3x)
    AUD - 78 (3x)
    REG - 67, 66, Aug 1
    FAR - 54, Sept 8

    Sir Ivalis

    I'm pretty relieved to see this post and all of the responses. I have zero accounting background except for pure tax classes and have gotten through almost all of the Becker lectures in FAR without much actually making it into my brain. I'm about a month out from my test, so I will start the MCQ-a-thon and hope it has the same effect on me as it did for the other posters.

    REG - 81
    FAR - April 13th (73), TBD
    AUD - July 6th
    BEC - TBD


    Failing is part of the process, just keep at it.

    REG 68,87
    BEC 85
    FAR 75
    AUD 64,64, 86!


    great new name gonnabecpa, we're all rooting for ya!

    average joe

    Just wondering for Wiley and Yaeger users.

    Is Module 9 one of the most overwhelming sections, or is every module like this?

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