Spreadsheet on CPA exam

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  • #1654672


    Going through the AICPA tutorial.
    Does anyone know if you can do the = and then select a cell, then a + and select another cell, similar to MS Excel?
    My review course instructor did an example using the spreadsheet and actually typed out the formula such as = A1/A2.

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  • #1654673

    Side question: am I the only one who doesn't use the spreadsheets? I took REG already and am studying for FAR and have never found the need to utilize the spreadsheet function. Am I missing out on something awesome?


    @Lauren – I have taken a total of 10 exams so far, and I don't think I've ever used the spreadsheet function. So at least I can tell you that you're not alone. I also HATE the on-screen calculator and don't use that, either. I always ask for a calculator.

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo


    I use spreadsheets all the time at work and never used the spreadsheet function once for the CPA exams.

    , I don't use the on screen calculator either. I always asked for a physical calculator.


    Working on AICPA practice FAR exam. It appears you can use = and then select the cells and add the math function then select another cell.
    The little formula field at the top of the sim worksheet area is a neat function.


    Also, using the function in the sims, if you go back and change one of the variables or numbers you used above, it automatically changes everything that references back to it.
    I did the DDB depreciation wrong on sim#2, and noticed the error on sim#3 when they gave me the accum. depreciation at the end of year 3.


    I have multiple screens at work and typically keep an excel spreadsheet open on my right screen for any miscellaneous quick number calculations.
    I prefer excel over calculator so I can review the numbers and quickly make any changes on the fly.
    I have not sat for any parts yet, so whether I use them during the exam with only one screen and the stupid spreadsheet taking up a quarter of the viewing area… we shall see.

    The practice exam for FAR is pretty interesting.
    I got 2 of the MCQ's wrong for failure to properly read the question and responding with what they are asking vs what I calculated.
    ie: Interest expense is 7 months, vs 3 months of interest payable at year end. Foolish mistake.
    The sims were ok, got one disclosure amount wrong for letter of credit.
    Missed the research question as I looked up initial measurement, not when it would actually be recognized. Again not reading the question and answering properly.

    I assume the Sample Test is all softball stuff just to show you the basics of how the software works, and the actual exam sims will be much much harder.


    Correct ^^^

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