Should I even bother?

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  • #3304694

    Hi all,

    I attempted the CPA exam back in 2017/2018 using Roger and supplementing with some Ninja. Passed FAR on first try in 9/2017 with a 76. Passed BEC first try in 12/2017 with an 82.Failed Audit 3/2018 with a 74 and again in 5/2018 with another 74. Passed Audit 9/2018 with an 82. Failed Reg with a 65 12/2018 and a 67 3/2019. I gave up because I had devoted so much time to study and had nothing to show for it. I was losing FAR and couldn’t fathom starting over. Work was killing me. In 6/2019 I was promoted to a Director/Controller and am feeling pressured to get my license. I hold an MBA but every other Director/Controller has their CPA license. I don’t like feeling lesser than just because I lack the license. Do I just suck it up and move on or try again? I’ve got 25 years of Accounting experience and have done well without the license so far but it bugs me not to have it. In hindsight, I probably should have started with REG as that is the area where I have the least experience and exposure.

    Any suggestions?

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  • #3304697

    Are you being forced? I definitely wouldn't do it if I didn't have to. I can't imagine going through the hassle of this all again.


    I wouldn’t say forced but I do think I would be overlooked for a promotion to a divisional CFO against one of the other team members who hold a CPA license. It technically is now a requirement for the position I hold, but I’m grandfathered in. It really serves no purpose but n our industry.


    It seems like you want to obtain it, but you’re not looking forward to it. I think you should especially since you’re looking to move further up and are competing against other CPAs. If you do, I’d start with REG since that will be the hardest section for you.


    Why hold yourself back from something that can help your career? You can do it. Just set a goal and get it done. Don’t put pressure on yourself and stress it. Approach it with the attitude that it is what you want and having it will mean you are not holding yourself back. Set yourself free! They are tests! Go get ‘em.

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    I also vote to just go ahead and get it done.
    It certainly won't hurt you.
    Start with REG this time, and just keep hammering away until you pass, then work on the rest like crazy.
    Try and take 2 exams per window (assuming they still have windows).


    Thanks, everyone. I pulled the trigger and decided to start today. I'm thinking I'll do REG>AUD>FAR>BEC starting with the 2 sections I have the least experience with and struggled more with last time. I'm a little nervous about not starting with FAR so I may end up flipping AUD and FAR, but REG is definitely going to be first.


    I think this is great as long as you don’t stress it. Keep it to yourself so you don’t add that pressure to the process. I would flip FAR and AUD since AUD is a natural follow up to FAR. If you are working in accounting your sequence makes sense. The big reason to put FAR first is that people have trouble passing it then lose credit for other sections. I struggled with BEC because of the breadth of material it covered. Now with continuous testing you could knock this out and achieve your goal pretty quickly but give yourself a year. Set a goal of no retakes and study to make a 100 on every section (no shortcuts, no skipped sections), ask for help when you need it to avoid frustration and delays. Take the AICPA practice exams to familiarize yourself with how the exam has changed since you last tried. Look forward to it and not back on previous attempts or time wasted. Give yourself a fresh start and remember you are the reason you are doing this. It is what you want and great things will come from it. Good luck! We will be here when you need us.

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different

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