Section Order - Page 2

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  • #1751504

    Hi all,

    I am sure this has been discussed on here multiple times but I have yet to find a recent post regarding the subject. So is there a certain order that will benefit one taking the exam? I heard taking FAR before AUD is helpful but are there any other helpful tips in the order. What order did you guys pass the CPA with and what worked for you?

    Thanks! 🙂

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  • #1751748

    Always go FAR first. That one starts your clock and will provide you the most benefit that carries over to all the other exams.
    My order is in my Sig.


    I agree – BEC is good to start, but then you want to die after you see the FAR book compared to the BEC…..I took BEC first both times (i lost the score the first time and had to give myself a break because i kept failing FAR). My order was BEC, FAR, AUD, REG. I was an auditor so i wish i saved AUD for last, but thats ok…


    Take FAR first.
    Dont take REG last.


    FAR -> AUD -> BEC -> REG

    My initial plan was to take REG after AUD, but that would not give me enough time to study for REG before the Q2 score release date after taking AUD on 4/27, so squeezing in BEC is most logical choice I have.

    I don't think the order really matters as long as you get FAR out of the way first. Just put in the time and effort to study for each section, and pass so you don't have to worry about it.


    I agree with most that say it just depends.
    My hardest subjects in school related to BEC & REG. I hate it & think its stupid.
    I made 74 on each & retake BEC 81 & REG 84. Mind u I was studying for 20 hrs a week for 2 mths each test (even w my 74's).
    AUD & FAR com easy cuz I tutored both in under grad & Grad school. So it's tattooed on my soul. I was paid $25 to explain unearned Rev, why A=L+SE, and bonds DAILY.
    I took pre-tests before I started studying & got 65 on both. So I feel confident some study can get me an 80 on first try.


    I did FAR/AUD/REG/BEC. I would consider FAR/REG/AUD/BEC also in retrospect, but this gave me a break between the two most math-intensive parts. It did make it harder to gear back up for REG though.


    I definitely liked getting FAR out of the way first. FAR takes the most time and getting the studying done for it off the clock makes sense. It also boost confidence more knowing you have passed the beast.

    BEC- May- 18
    REG- Aug-18


    I did BEC, AUD, REG and FAR. BEC was first for two reasons-i needed motivation to pass to keep going and also, this was the last time before adding SIMS to BEC, so no brainer. Leaving FAR for last wasn't ideal, especially that I had to re-take it, but it all worked out in the end for me. In hindsight, I think taking FAR first is the best, but if you keep failing it, can be extremely discouraging. I have a co-worker who failed FAR a couple of times and gave up…


    @anyatver That's just another reason to take FAR first IMO. If your friend failed and gave up they probably lacked the dedication/commitment required to pass these exams. Better to find that out early on than later by tackling the toughest one first. I first started studying for this thing in 2015 and started with FAR. I didn't get through all the material before giving up. I definitely wasn't as dedicated as I needed to be.

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