Scores on each test

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  • #2723592

    Anyone notice that people seem to always score withing a few points on all 4 exams? In my passes, I’ve gotten between 79-82 every time. Others I’ve seen score like 76-78 or 84-86 on all 4.

    Rarely does someone get say a 75 on REG but a 95 on BEC. Could be nothing…but I rarely see drastic ranges of scores. They seem to be always closely grouped.

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  • #2723652

    A pass is a pass. I wouldn't worry about the exact score.


    All it means is study habits are consistent. I am personally not looking to score in the 90s. I am just trying to efficiently pass each exam without overdoing it study wise. If it is not a coincidence I would gladly appreciate the CPA exam reviewers to give me another consistent score on my last exam 🙂


    I have more of range in scores than some do, but it is funny how that happens. I assume it's just like Bigstakk said, a consistent study strategy. Most people use one review course throughout their time studying, so it makes sense that they be about equally prepared for each one.

    FAR - PASSED 11/14
    AUD - TBD
    BEC - TBD
    REG - First take 2/16


    If you're only considering passing scores than the range for my passing scores isn't much, only 7 points. However if you take failing scores into account, I have quite the range of scores.


    Every now and again, I noticed this as I was studying, but I didn't harp on it too much. However, you may have hit the nail on the head–consistent study strategy and review course. Interesting observation and correlation.

    I'm tired of operating in fear and mediocrity. It's time to try. It's time to do. It's time to go.


    Pretty happy with my score distribution. I scored a little too high on FAR and BEC though…


    I think it comes down to risk. I studied a lot because I wanted to decrease the chances that I'd have to study again for a retake. I also feared the stress associated with seeing a failing score. The strategy worked, but obviously I spent a bit more time than I probably needed.


    Agree with A_Rish.
    Dreaded a fail and potential redo.


    Scores reflect time investment which reflects strategy. You can go for “max efficiency” and minimize your study time but increase the retake risk. Or over-study and reduce retake risk. Comes down to personal preference – same destination in the end.

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