Scared of FAR - Page 2

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  • #1476327

    I just started studying for FAR and I am kind of intimidated. Its been like 4 years since I took my accounting courses and I feel that I don’t even have the foundations for the materials. Today was my first day and I did 2 sessions. I need some encouragement on knowing that that might had happened to some of you. Please let me know.

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  • #1477735

    Pensions are easy, it was F7 that still gives me nightmares even today.

    Took my FAR exam today, holy cow the MCQ were insane. So detailed.


    I'm just curious…does the AICPA pay attention to retakes? Do they give harder tests to those who have taken it once already? I'm dreading taking FAR again. I'm not quite sure when I'll do it…this year, but it might be in November after I do AUD and BEC. I already paid for all 4 tests and I have to do them by *August*. I might just go and sit in REG for the hell of it, to see what the questions are like, even if I don't have time to study for it beforehand.


    I know this sounds cliché but trust me. Listen to what I have to say.

    Watching the lectures and then going straight to mc is setting yourself up for failure. It might work for AUD, not FAR.

    Watch a SECTION of a lecture. Then DIVE, and when I say dive, I mean DIVE into the book. Make notes on that SECTION. Not flashcards, I'm talking yellow pads. Go buy about 20 of them. Get a big binder and three hole punch your notes. Put tabs/separators for each lecture.

    After you have gone page by page for that SECTION, then and only then go on to mc.

    After mc is completed, go to the next SECTION. Rinse and repeat.

    This will take TIME and HARD WORK. But you will UNDERSTAND FAR and you will pass the test. There's absolutely no concept that is too difficult to master, just the quantity.


    SuckItUp definitely has a good idea there. Taking notes is imperative for FAR.


    I filled up almost 3 notebooks of notes.


    48 days is the length of time from start of studying till exam day. I am more than half way through study days and 1/3 of the way done with MCQ (I think it's because MCQ section 2 is a beast and there are a ton of calculations that take forever). Is this true? I am reading 10 pages of NINJA notes a day writing 7.5 of them listening to NINJA audio and NINJA PLUS videos to and from work and attempting on average 60 MCQ's a day. I am also taking my own notes in excel on the current section I am on now (Financial Statement Accounts). I sure as hell hope 48 days is enough to pass FAR first go-around so I can be done and have a life again.


    I never do more than 60 MCQ a day unless feeling very ambitious, then I do 90. I would not do more than 90 a day (which on the soon-to-be-old format of the test, was 3 testlets) because that's a LOT of questions to process, especially if you're taking notes on them. I'm gonna have to go back over my old notes for FAR before I take it again. I took a ton of them. At least 100 pages if not more.


    Take the stories you read on here about FAR being difficult with 10 grains of salt.

    The misconception is that FAR is this mythical beast. It isn't.

    Seriously, utilize whatever review course you have, and supplement it with a decent Accounting text. Study diligently and you WILL pass. Quit worrying about whether your testlets get more difficult than the last.

    One question at a time, and let the rest work itself out. Do you have to know alot? Sure, but the examiners know this. Most of the questions are about the difficulty of Becker questions at the worst.

    Study effectively (operative word). Because you study from sunup to sundown does not mean you will pass. Utilize time wisely. Realize that FAR is all connected somehow. The less you try to remember, the easier the exams become..Conceptualize and recognize how each topic fits into the big puzzle, instead of brute force memorization.


    CPA FAR is pretty elementary compared to what you probably saw in college (and much more elementary than what you'll encounter in the real world). Just put it into perspective and you'll realize that there are much scarier things. Good luck!

    AUD: 98
    FAR: 95
    REG: July 11, 2016
    BEC: August 8, 2016


    If FAR is easy, more than like 46% would be passing it at any given time. The truth is that there is a boatload of stuff that you have to remember. It's not un-passable, but even the most seasoned accountants and CPAs attest to the fact that they couldn't pass it now unless they studied for it, and for most, it requires 2 attempts (or sometimes more.)

    Bottom line – find your niche as far as studying and learning and absorbing what you need to, to pass it. It's different for everyone. It may not be “a beast” to everyone, but I dare say that those who didn't find it hard either have a very high IQ, and therefore can't relate objectively about the experience anyway and/or are very good at test-taking and overcoming test hurdles that most people are challenged by. OR…they found the golden road as far as studying and were able to successfully put it to use on test day.

    If there is one thing I've learned from my CPA journey so far, it is not to be afraid of these exams. If you flunk, pay NASBA again and reschedule and keep studying. Flunking is better than not taking them. I wish I'd realized that a year ago.


    Don't be scared of FAR, make it your best friend 🙂

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