Same exam twice in same testing block?

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  • #200646

    Hi all, hoping you guys could give me a hand with this question…

    I have passed 3 of the 4th exams. Just REG to go. I am planning on trying to schedule my exam soon, and my question I was wondering is…

    Am I allowed to take the same exam twice in one testing block? ie, if I take REG in early April and find out I fail, am I allowed to take it again in May?

    I am testing in Massachusetts if that is relevant.

    AUD - 80 April 2015
    FAR - 77 August 2015
    REG - 60 October 2015, 73 May 2016, 75 July 2016
    BEC - 79 January 2016

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  • Author
  • #761434

    You are not allowed to sit for the same exam more than once in one testing window. So if you take it in April and things don't go your way, you will have to wait until July.

    FAR - 80
    AUD - 82
    BEC - 80
    REG - 85

    ETHICS - 90
    Application for California license mailed 8/4/2016

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