Round intermediate calculations?

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  • #3214547

    Hello friends:

    My BEC exam is in 3 days and I am a little confused with the rounding on the exam. Your input is highly appreciated 🙂

    For the simulations, I understand they are usually very specific on how you have to express your final answers; however, if they say “round your calculations to 2 places”, would that mean that I should round ALL (including INTERMEDIATE CALCULATIONS) to 2 places or just the final answer?

    I usually use excel and don’t round any intermediate calculations, just the final answer, but now I am concerned that I get this on my exam and not do what’s asked and ultimately getting the final answer wrong because I am rounding/or not rounding my intermediate calculations.

    P.S: English is not my first language so I am not sure if this is the reason why I am not 100% sure about the above phrase 🙂

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  • Author
  • #3216359

    Hi there, I think I'd just stick to what you've been doing. You shouldn't have to round every intermediate calculation, just the final. And hopefully it wouldn't affect the answer/the scoring if there's a decimal place off. I've wondered that same thing when taking the exams, but I don't think it should stress us out much.


    Thanks so much Sam!!! Your comments helped me validate what I thought 😁😁

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