Reschedule AUD due to busy season?

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  • #199672

    I know this question may come off as rather naive, but I want to hear what others have to say about this, especially those who have worked in public accounting.

    I’ve already passed FAR and took REG (hope I passed). If REG comes to pass, then I only have AUD and BEC left. I have AUD scheduled for the end of February right before the window closes for March.

    Now, I just started working full-time in public accounting after graduating from college last year. There hasn’t been too much work right now but I’m starting to see how people say it’s difficult to study after working all day. My managers and team members have been cautioning me that the hours will be long and weary in the next three months.

    I had gotten into a groove studying for FAR and REG so it feels weird for me to push off AUD into May or so. It just seems so far off and I just want to get this exam over with.

    What are your experiences/thoughts? My NTS doesn’t expire until July.

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  • #755566

    I do not work in Public Accounting, but as you may already be aware, AUD has less material to go through than either AUD or REG (which is why it still confuses me why AUD is a 4 hour exam with more MCQs and one more SIM and REG is a 3 hour exam with less MCQs and one less SIM, but anyway…).

    However, AUD seems to be an area that some people do great on and others really struggle (hence why it has the lowest pass rate, even though the amount of material is considerably less than FAR or REG). For me, AUD was not bad. I studied for about 4 weeks, averaging around 15-20 hours per week and passed with an 85.

    Maybe someone who actually has worked in Public Accounting can give you better advice on that regard, though I have heard that the hours can be bad. I work as a Governmental Auditor for the State. Although we don't have a “busy season”, I normally travel about 2 hours per day Monday through Friday, on top of the 8.5 hour work days (including lunch, which I normally work through), putting me at just over 50 hours each week. Most of my studying is done on weekends.

    I've heard Public Accounting can be 60 hours plus and extend into weekends in some cases and unless you are dying, you can't take off work (I was at least allowed to use my personal leave for a day here and there for extra studying, and I get a lot of holidays off). Therefore, it may be a bit harder on you, but if you can try to squeeze in as much time as you can for 4 weeks (maybe at least 10-15 hours per week), I think it can be done. If you fail, you can always retake in May, although you have the exam fees you can't get back.

    AUD - 85 (8/30/2015)
    FAR - 73 (10/13/2015), 85 (2/29/2016) (AND DONE!)
    BEC - 83 (11/04/2015)
    REG - 81 (11/30/2015)


    i say keep up your old fast past & keep going at strong & once work starts getting busy lower the amt of time you were studying.

    its a waste of a window not taking it in february, worst case u fail & retake next window or u can get lucky & get this out of the way real quick. id go thru as much material as possible & as test day approaches just skim over lightly what you didn't finish & take the test.

    REG 68,87
    BEC 85
    FAR 75
    AUD 64,64, 86!


    Suck it up. I will probably fail FAR but I'm still gonna try … Life will always be busy.

    AUD - 74, 99 !!
    REG - 74, 92
    BEC - 83
    FAR - 73, 86

    Studying for Ethics exam

    California candidate
    Business and Industry

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