REG has waaaaaaay less material than FAR. FAR has more complicated, multi-step calculations to memorize. So REG problems take less time in general. I kind of felt with REG MCQs, you either knew it or you didn't know it. If you knew how to do it, didn't take too much time.
The problem with REG is you don't know what the exam expects you to memorize because there are a zillion crazy rules, exceptions, exceptions to exceptions, phase-outs, random figures. At first when I was reading the chapter, I was like….OMG… have no idea what I should focus on…. Once you have done enough MCQs though, you begin to understand what you need to memorize and what you don't need to memorize.
It is also very easy to mix up C-Corps with S-Corps with Partnerships. The problem with the review courses, is they just do them in sequence. They don't do comparisons of the 3. I have the same complaint about FAR. The review courses don't give you one lesson on comparisons of IFRS vs GAAP. Instead they just give you a little blurb about IFRS at the end of each lesson.
FAR - June 2016 - 88
REG - July 2016 - 89
AUD - Aug 2016 - review phase currently
BEC - Sep 2016 -
Wiley CPA Excel & Ninja MCQ