REG Cram

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  • #1446423

    Need a plan of attack.
    Just purchased an NTS for REG, and have found an open day for March 9th. How should I go about this? Still deciding whether or not to just wait til 4/1. Unfortunately I have been put in this position due to falling AUD last qtr. I just retook it yesterday.

    BEC – 77 : 10/1/16 Becker
    AUD – 70 : 12/4/16 (Retake 1/22/17) Becker + NINJA MCQ
    REG – 3/9 ? Becker + Ninja MCQ?
    FAR – TBD

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  • #1446612

    I say just go for it. I know it sucks to get a failing score but it's worth the shot, especially with the changes coming in April. I plan on taking REG on March 10th and just started studying yesterday. I was able to get through the lectures for Individual taxation (chapter 1) and some of the ms questions. I think it is totally doable. I've always like taxation (even though I don't have much experience) so I'm hoping REG will be easier to digest than all the other section.

    I will be very busy this tax season so I'll be lucky if I can study for 1.5 hours per day. I'm hoping I can get through the material in 5 weeks and that would leave me two weeks to study. I know there is a chance I won't pass because I'll be just way too busy but I'll worry about that when I get my results.


    It can be done if you are trying to figure that out. I'm taking the test in about 4 weeks, I'll start studying tomorrow. Maybe tonight but I'm shot as I just took a test this morning.

    Once again, it can be done. It takes SACRIFICE and HARD WORK.

    Get after it.


    The consensus to these questions on here is always to give it a shot while the exam is in the current format. If you don't pass then schedule it for the next quarter as it will be fresh in your mind. good luck.


    I'd take it in March if I were you…you'd take the 2016 exam instead of the new exam, REG has quite a few changes in the new exam… Also, if you took it in April, you'd have to wait until August 16th to get your score.

    Good Luck!

    FAR - 76
    AUD - 74, 74
    BEC - 83
    REG - TBD


    Go for it. To me, it would be worth the exam fee to give it a try. I just sat for REG last week and I scheduled AUG for 3/10, hoping to pass before the changes. I'm praying there isn't a blizzard.


    Just took a look at the book I feel like the first 4 chapters I'll struggle with more than the last 4 I think I could squeeze through with the Business Law stuff


    The only thing you have to lose is the exam fee. If anything, it'll be worth the practice! Go for it. Focus on taxes but definitely at least skim blaw & ethics because you could get some easy points there. Memorize above the line & below the line deductions and know how to calculate basis for each type of entity. Print out the various tax forms and look at them any spare chance you get so you can really visualize them and what goes where. Do tons of mcq to try to find your weak spots and focus on improving there. Best of luck!


    @industrycpa do I even bother taking notes or trying to read before listening to lectures? Or even lectures at all?


    @suckitup I'd love to start next week at least -.- maybe just do a lot of reading until then? I have no problem with sacrificing it's just having enough time hopefully


    Before I even posted this I jumped the gun and paid for the NTS ladies and gentlemen.


    Do a lot of reading until then? Why wait? Start today. You have plenty of time if you sacrifice little things that eat up time.

    I took a test yesterday and REG starts today. Started a little yesterday and then realized how fried my head was.

    Don't wait, get going. You can thank me later.


    @SuckitUp I definitely do not want to be a complainer or anything, I still am a bit fried. I've been going at this for
    6 months straight.


    @Suckitup Never mind you are right. I will start reading tonight. Just not sure how to expedite the whole study process, I usually take notes and that takes up a lot more time than I have, lectures too.


    I'm the EXACT way. I probably take too many notes. I can't do that this time either. I'm just going to focus on the main key areas and then MC MC MC MC MC……


    OP – I'm in your same boat. I'm really wanting to squeeze REG in by March 10th, but I am really stressing about how to fit it in. I'm a slow studier and have never been able to effectively cram for anything (if there is such a thing). I also tend to beat myself up way too much and I set a personal goal just for myself to pass them all the first time, so I'm having a hard time with this whole “just take it for the heck of it to see how you do”. That's totally not my style. I always like to give my all and do my best at everything (to a fault).

    BUT…as basically everyone on this post has said, what is there to lose? No one in the long run is going to care if I pass them all the first time, plus I'm still giving myself quite a bit of time to study. We just have to push through, study as much as we possibly can, and pray for the best!

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